So, my fix was an imperfect one. It's pretty hard to do a proper fix in systems as complex as this. Let me try and explain what happened, how we fixed it and where we failed. And how we fixed the original fix.
First, due to a bug, training ran twice for Greece and Turkey. To make matters worse, the second run was run after what we call a training reset, which sets player minutes back to 0. This made the second run completely mess up the GS, which we fixed for all affected teams. This fix was less than ideal and it failed to update the DMI, which has no effect on match performance but people rely on it to gauge player development and form. We fixed that now so you can update your records.
But then I made another mistake and ran some code in the end of the fix that affected only teams that trained GS, and it actually artificially lowered their GS for some of the players. Some teams were affected more, some less, the example you guys provided had it worst (all players with GS 7 ). Now, this was not obvious immediately (as not all teams were affected) so we let the games run and these teams have played matches with the GS lowered. We only recognized the scope and specifics of the problem yesterday and were contemplating and discussing ways of fixing this mistake for a long time into the night. Finally, it was decided to fix their GS and artificially boost the GS of the players of the teams that trained GS and lost their Saturday matches. This was done today, not more than an hour ago.
Now, we know this is, again, not the best solution but it does help compensate the affected team a little bit. We, especially I, are very sorry this happened. I still feel terrible about it and will be more careful in the future and never rush fixes again. I could have postponed games even further and have more time to do the fixes properly without rush and probably, the mistakes done. Lesson learned.