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Season 45

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From: LDS

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298126.18 in reply to 298126.17
Date: 03/21/2019 04:00:34
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Safa Otyakmaz BC Tulpar 92544 votes
BC tulpar best SF that can offered. On paper he might not be impressive to earn any suitor, his solid effect does helps in bringing together for all challenge. One of the key offensive option for the team and play 48 min every single night. His guy at the age of 22 has amazing potential to be one of the best in the near future.

Ng Puay Han PhantoMech 72673 votes

The down version of LBJ, filling the role of play maker, shooter and defender. NPH has been doing his role well his season and getting more fans to appreciate his handwork. Doing everything the coach that request him to do, he is one of the key reason PM can stood so far now. Having good shot selection guy meaning that he know when to make good shot when his opportunity comes.

Ang Su Wai Singapore Slingers BC 99691 votes
The most bizarre thing happen in this season allstar game. This season only ASW is named for the allstar while his teammate having a nice holiday break. Nevertheless, this powerful PF is able to bully anyone in the front court even though fatherhood has caught up with him. Like NCJ, his veteran experience still consider the powerful knowledge to stand against those youngster in the league.

Rob Keenan PhantoMech 44845 votes
Best defensive center for the team. RK might seem as a normal center in competitive league. He actually play major role for PM in term of guarding the rim. Consider one of the best defensive center with his ability to steal the ball as a big man. His rebounding skill is also another level where his teammate can comfortably shoot without any worry. leading the team in offensive rebound, the second chance helps the team to easily outscore opponent.

Nikita Rodinkov BC Tulpar 113269 votes
The monster big guy for BC Tulpar. Get his from last season, he already become the main star for the team. Like SGP lionheart, the key player that do whatever it takes to ensure the team can move forward. One of the career night happen when against lemak power. Where he was unstoppable in the game. With just 28 min playing time, he score 28 pts 6 off, 17 rebound. A unstoppable machine and a lone wolf to lead the team to victory.

Jose Westrum oliviateam 61710 votes
A strong center that bought this season. Jose is like their key center that do all the dirty job inside the pain. He is also a powerful scorer that can score so long he is inside. with average of 31.7ppg, most of the oliviateam fire power come from him. He also like to shoot 3s if there is chance. A strange big man that prefer to play like a point guard.

This Post:
298126.19 in reply to 298126.16
Date: 03/23/2019 00:48:20
Overall Posts Rated:
thanks.congratulations for your championship!

This Post:
298126.20 in reply to 298126.19
Date: 03/23/2019 13:20:58
Overall Posts Rated:
thanks.congratulations for your championship!

Thanks bro

From: LDS
This Post:
298126.21 in reply to 298126.1
Date: 04/04/2019 04:07:26
Overall Posts Rated:
Some new from carpark arena

Coach: Is a kind of surprise week for us as we manage to win oliviateam and PhantoMech in a row. Our guys really never though much and go for the game. Our new additional K. Khoury really bring us up for the game. He helps to change the team culture and steal the game. Vs PM was consider a lucky win as we are trying some combination to see which style suit for the team. Lapointe is unstoppable in the game as he almost score a perfect game. I hope we can ride on this to next few game. YSY injury is a sad thing we hope the new guy able to cover till his return.

YSY: I guess i tried too hard during the game. I tried to do everything guess my body hit hard to me. I hope the team member able to continue the journey. Our goal is to enter the playoff race this season.

OW: Time for me to shine now as my senior is injure!

This Post:
298126.22 in reply to 298126.21
Date: 04/05/2019 06:39:33
Overall Posts Rated:
Youth trainer was useless for me. 2weeks no pop up my 18&19yrs trainees

This Post:
298126.23 in reply to 298126.22
Date: 04/05/2019 07:14:48
Overall Posts Rated:
mine not bad.. last time i use.. my 18yo guy pop alot

From: LDS
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298126.24 in reply to 298126.23
Date: 04/23/2019 10:32:17
Overall Posts Rated:
PhantoMech good game.. my guys not ready this time :)

From: V

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298126.25 in reply to 298126.24
Date: 04/25/2019 11:09:01
Overall Posts Rated:
Haha well I was actually kinda worried because you did so well against me in regular season. But good game!
The league definitely have to be more prepared for you next season when your guys get more ready!

From: V

This Post:
298126.26 in reply to 298126.24
Date: 04/25/2019 11:09:02
Overall Posts Rated:
Haha well I was actually kinda worried because you did so well against me in regular season. But good game!
The league definitely have to be more prepared for you next season when your guys get more ready!

This Post:
298126.27 in reply to 298126.26
Date: 04/27/2019 14:31:02
Overall Posts Rated:
Hi everyone!

Draft is coming and will help a lot if everyone could train at least 1 SGP player. We are a small community and commited affortunately, we made progress but if we want one more step..

I think that only 1 player will not affect our team's plans, many of you are on this way since we started and I take this opportunity to thank you all..

Have a good draft!

From: LDS

To: V
This Post:
298126.28 in reply to 298126.27
Date: 05/04/2019 08:42:17
Overall Posts Rated:
congratz bro for winning!!
