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Suggestions > Giving up and setting a TIE agreement

Giving up and setting a TIE agreement

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From: Blacksword

To: Ehud
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64255.18 in reply to 64255.1
Date: 1/17/2009 8:00:34 AM
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I think that instead for the 3 options now...then creating some kind of slider that lets you set the effort from 1-10 where 1=TIE and 10=CT would add some strategic depth to this. And there should be no mention in the game summary on how this was set.

I dont think mutual TIEs are that bad, except it really take away some depth of the game, as a mutual TIE is almost always an advantage for both teams.

I think giving some kind of punishment for loosing at TIE could work, because as some have already said, some people throw games away that they could have won using Normal. I have seen several games this season where Top teams in the Danish League just got away with a win even though the other team TIE'd it.

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64255.19 in reply to 64255.18
Date: 1/17/2009 8:50:14 AM
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I think giving some kind of punishment for loosing at TIE could work, because as some have already said, some people throw games away that they could have won using Normal. I have seen several games this season where Top teams in the Danish League just got away with a win even though the other team TIE'd it.

Not sure I follow this. If you TIE and lose, compared to a Normal and win, then why is there a need for punishment? You've already been punished by losing a game you should've won.

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64255.20 in reply to 64255.19
Date: 1/17/2009 10:07:55 AM
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Not sure I follow this. If you TIE and lose, compared to a Normal and win, then why is there a need for punishment? You've already been punished by losing a game you should've won.

Agree on this.

But I was actually thinking that if they knew they would be 'punished' if TIE'ing and loosing, maybe few teams would not just throw away games against stronger opponents.

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64255.21 in reply to 64255.20
Date: 1/17/2009 10:23:30 AM
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this team could tie there home games against weaker teams, where is the problem ;)

This Post:
64255.22 in reply to 64255.20
Date: 1/17/2009 10:24:16 AM
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I think that instead for the 3 options now...then creating some kind of slider that lets you set the effort from 1-10 where 1=TIE and 10=CT would add some strategic depth to this. And there should be no mention in the game summary on how this was set.

not only will this needlessly complicate things for most users, it will strenghten the mutual TIE effect even more, since teams who mutual TIE will both set it at lowest, which will give both the highest possible advantage...
I don't think the ones who are oposing the mutual TIE now, will settle down when this is implemented, on the contrary...

(note that I do not express any opinion about mutual TIE, I'm just indicating the likely result)

They are not your friends; they dispise you. I am the only one you can count on. Trust me.
This Post:
64255.23 in reply to 64255.20
Date: 1/17/2009 2:28:03 PM
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Not sure I follow this. If you TIE and lose, compared to a Normal and win, then why is there a need for punishment? You've already been punished by losing a game you should've won.

Agree on this.

But I was actually thinking that if they knew they would be 'punished' if TIE'ing and loosing, maybe few teams would not just throw away games against stronger opponents.

So then you punish them for trying to give their team a better shot (by TIEing instead of Normaling the current game) of winning their following game?

This Post:
64255.24 in reply to 64255.20
Date: 1/18/2009 10:05:10 AM
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solution for a TIE agreement?Pretend to agree it and after plays normal

This Post:
64255.25 in reply to 64255.24
Date: 1/18/2009 2:11:29 PM
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Yeah, that makes you a real hero.

NO ONE at this table ordered a rum & Coke
Charles: Penn has some good people
A CT? Really?
Any two will do
Any three for me
Any four will score
Any five are live
This Post:
64255.26 in reply to 64255.25
Date: 1/19/2009 7:26:31 AM
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Yeah, that makes you a real hero.

Well it obviously doesn't happen enough!! I would love to see some threads bitching and moaning about 'I offered a TIE and then I got normalled and lost'... everyteam home page should have a popularity % like national teams or at least a slider saying can they be trusted to mutual TIE...... (moves to suggestions if this post isnt in that forum!!)

This Post:
64255.28 in reply to 64255.27
Date: 1/21/2009 10:09:02 AM
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so what makes you think girls or women are sissy? Or that they would be lesser tacticians?

A women happens to be in second place in our Div I conference at this time!

And no the men behind her are no mutual TIE proposers.

They are not your friends; they dispise you. I am the only one you can count on. Trust me.