The money is the reward for winning the league. Only the winning B3 team will make more then any of the DII champion teams in the world that get 1m for promoting to D1.
Nice changes...but for few lucky users.I'm waiting for real changes...for all the community.
Nice changes...but for few lucky users.I'm waiting for real changes...for all the community.Right, drastically raising Cup prizes in the 1st few rounds affects few users.
Nice changes...but for few lucky users.I'm waiting for real changes...for all the community.Right, drastically raising Cup prizes in the 1st few rounds affects few users.Real [ree-uhl, reel] –adjective: true; not merely ostensible, nominal, or apparent.
Nice changes...but for few lucky users.I'm waiting for real changes...for all the community.Right, drastically raising Cup prizes in the 1st few rounds affects few users.Real [ree-uhl, reel] –adjective: true; not merely ostensible, nominal, or apparent.Sure, whatever you say, I guess, perhaps.