I have no data on your team's flow or your bigs outside shooting skills or their DR.
Are drives part of your inside shot number or seperate??? What % of the shots are the bigs taking compared to other positions?
I guess I will assume that drives were not counted with inside shots. on driving shots, I believe IS is a factor. Low IS guards will miss their layups if opponent guards have ID, and with the GE update SB also seems to work.
--snipped some stuff out--
Princeton doesn't seem to be giving you bigs that don't shoot inside or drive on the basket. Maybe you should try patient but you'll need to figure out how to make sure it doesn't pick your no IS big for the offensive player. YOu might say, oh I'll just build a big with insane outside shooting, in this case, if he has high JS, JR and RB, with OD and other guard skills...he will shift at very least to PF and most likely SF (or SG) formula, his salary will be huge (JS+RB is huge multiplier in all formulas) and IS will be practically free. All of my SFs have IS higher than JS and RB, but still if I raise their IS any, it costs them 0 salary for another point, I keep it just under the sweet spot. Free high IS is so awesome....
To answer some of the data questions:
The team's flow is balanced for lack of a better word. No real assist machines and surprisingly low top end passing, but no holes in HA / PA either. So basically a bunch of guys who average between 2-4 assists per game, and everyone above 1.5 A/TO ratio.
As far as outside shooting and DR on the bigs: Cheek's at about 10.8 JS/8 JR/13.9 DR. Busch is 9.1 JS/8.4 JR/12.9 DR. Klein's gimped because he was a draftee and even though he started with 7OD and 7ID, I would never have trained him otherwise with his godawful starting guard skills. But he's rehabilitated a little, up to 7.9 JS/5.1 JR/10.9 DR. Of course, I'm planning on training more driving and getting the JS up a little more eventually, once I'm done slogging through this ID/RB road. Of course, I want to do more passing on them eventually too, and I'm not sure I'll ever get all that done with them already at 23 years old.
The overall shooting breakdown (not by position) is that the team's taken 275 inside shots (converting 47%), 291 drives (46%), 738 jumpers (48%) and 484 threes (33%).
So anyway, with that said, I'm absolutely counting drives separately from inside shots because they are different shots and I don't need IS to convert those. And it's definitely true that the skills are affecting whether the players take drives or regular inside shots.My legacy C who starts at PF when I'm single positioning at C has a far more typical big man build with mediocre outside offensive skills and he's taken 74 inside shots, 0 drives, 24 jumpers and 9 threes. Of course, he's only got 7 HA/7PA, so that might explain why he's stuck taking so many shots down low or really almost ever attempting threes.
Naturally, I'd prefer the guys not take the contested inside shots for the most part - open ones of course are fine. But I don't mind at all if they drive, or shoot jumpers or threes. And for the amount of salary it would cost to increase their IS to where I'd *want* them to try to shoot over opposing trees, ugh, no thank you. I'm liking the results just fine as it is. Your mileage may vary. ;)