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BB Chile > Actualidad BB-Chile IV: Una Nueva Esperanza

Actualidad BB-Chile IV: Una Nueva Esperanza (thread closed)

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153373.185 in reply to 153373.184
Date: 10/14/2010 1:53:24 AM
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no se si pasten sea muy bueno, es que no mete puntos ni de milagro. xD y entre ese pasten y durango mejor te comprabas a durango y hasta te salia más barato.

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153373.186 in reply to 153373.185
Date: 10/14/2010 5:51:34 AM
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ambos juegan en Chile y ambos deberian ganar.

40 Vottem Cowboys vs Mighty Avengers 17
147 Soul Power BC vs San Felipe Stars 85

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153373.187 in reply to 153373.182
Date: 10/14/2010 9:59:16 PM
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Si mi quinteto titular es chileno el mercha deberia subir no? xD

Si tu equipo es una mierda no creo que suba jajajajaja


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153373.188 in reply to 153373.187
Date: 10/15/2010 12:33:26 AM
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cabros con el mercado como esta, q cosa entrenar?un pivot de 250 de sueldo a un palo y medio...
uff ya no se q se puede hacer

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153373.189 in reply to 153373.188
Date: 10/15/2010 3:09:24 AM
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cabros con el mercado como esta, q cosa entrenar?un pivot de 250 de sueldo a un palo y medio...
uff ya no se q se puede hacer

y yo pensando que lo había comprado caro.

Once again, you have fallen for one of my classic pranks, BAZZINGA!
Why so Serious?
Think of me like Yoda, but instead of being little and green I wear suits and I am awesome. I am your bro—I am Broda!
What I'm Gonna Do with This Shouldn't Be Legal'
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153373.190 in reply to 153373.189
Date: 10/15/2010 2:26:48 PM
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ahora la mano es entrenar bases y aleros

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153373.191 in reply to 153373.190
Date: 10/15/2010 2:29:32 PM
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con el tiempo que te toma entrenar un alero, conseguira la misma plata que con 2 o 3 pivots

Once again, you have fallen for one of my classic pranks, BAZZINGA!
Why so Serious?
Think of me like Yoda, but instead of being little and green I wear suits and I am awesome. I am your bro—I am Broda!
What I'm Gonna Do with This Shouldn't Be Legal'
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153373.192 in reply to 153373.191
Date: 10/15/2010 2:32:22 PM
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entrenas a dos, vendes uno y te compras 2 pivots

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153373.193 in reply to 153373.192
Date: 10/15/2010 2:33:52 PM
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pivot entrenas 3, luego otros 3, vendes los primeros y te compras un alero.

Once again, you have fallen for one of my classic pranks, BAZZINGA!
Why so Serious?
Think of me like Yoda, but instead of being little and green I wear suits and I am awesome. I am your bro—I am Broda!
What I'm Gonna Do with This Shouldn't Be Legal'
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153373.194 in reply to 153373.193
Date: 10/15/2010 2:44:03 PM
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mucha paja y en III es dificil entrenar chanchos por el tema economico, soporto a mucha suerte 180k en salarios

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153373.195 in reply to 153373.194
Date: 10/15/2010 2:47:35 PM
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es decir, seguir entrenando pivots? yo creo q es rentable hasta un sueldo maximo de ahi no vale la pena
