And what will happen when this SF has a salary of 100k(for example) and his worst skill is around 10? If you continue training him, you will have high sublevels, it happens when you train a SF, it always have high sublevels. You will be happy to watch he pops in JS or rebounds and next season paying him a bigger salary?
With a monoskilled training this system has 0 impact, with multiskilled SF you will have unpredictable(well not really, you will know what skills have high sublevels) skills poping up, when maybe you don't want.
Salary doesn't "pop" like skills, my friend. It increases little by little with every increase in skill, pop or no pop. Of course it jumps every season.
You do realize that training a SG during one full season in JR/JS/OD will, on average, increase his RB by 0.07 (like HD/DR/PA/IS/ID/SB)?
For example his RB will go from 18.95 (phenomenal) to 19.02 (colossal).
His salary will only be $ 200,248 instead of $ 200,000.
Is that too much?
edit: RB, not SB!
Last edited by Thelonious at 7/31/2011 4:18:20 PM
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