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BB Canada > [U21] Think you have a potenial U21 player?

[U21] Think you have a potenial U21 player?

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From: harfang

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112815.187 in reply to 112815.185
Date: 6/20/2010 1:18:23 PM
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Cheers Rip, thanks for noticing and correcting my mistake! Pobody's nerfect!

I guess I woke up just a tad grumpy this morning!

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112815.189 in reply to 112815.183
Date: 6/20/2010 3:08:29 PM
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I know you're stoked about Boruque but be careful not to over value him. He'll be 20 next year and once you get your economy up and running and get some solid draft picks you should try to replace him with a better prospect sooner rather than later. Maybe pump up his jump shot along with some other young players with the intention of selling them for as much as you can get?

I am also not sure if you need a trainer with career extension, particularly if you're training 18-22 year olds. With young players I don't think it really provides any advantage (but I could be wrong).

Finally, I would suggest taking a look at the off-site forum to see what kinds of skills the U21 team's current guards have to give you some ideas of both where your players stand and what sorts of skills other managers are valuing. Also feel free to send people messages asking for advice - I know it helped me to try to talk through ideas with more experienced managers and lots of the more senior Canadian managers are very friendly (or at least willing to politely tell you they don't have time to talk) and I'd be willing to share some (admittedly underdeveloped) thoughts with you if you feel like you need help.

From: zmtomako

To: RiP
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112815.191 in reply to 112815.190
Date: 6/21/2010 3:31:44 PM
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aw boo... he lost an entire year with no training

From: Mod-beanerz

To: RiP
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112815.193 in reply to 112815.192
Date: 6/21/2010 4:36:08 PM
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I will be taking a run at him. He is significantly better than anything in my draft class :(

Thanks for the post RiP!!

This Post:
112815.194 in reply to 112815.190
Date: 6/21/2010 8:39:40 PM
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how is he on national team? hes only 5k salary and 18 lmao

This Post:
112815.195 in reply to 112815.194
Date: 6/21/2010 8:48:23 PM
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how is he on national team? hes only 5k salary and 18 lmao

When a manager goes bot his players are lost unless they have a certain skill level or they're on the u21 or full NT in which case they go onto free agency. Since good, young prospects often don't have the skills needed to go into free agency on their own NT and u21 managers will often add these players right before their owners go bot so they can "save" them and hope that a good manager picks them up to train them. The NT/u21 manager then releases them after a new team picks them up. That is what's happening here.

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