I seem to be missing the issue here.
1. Small-county teams run huge profits because their players are too cheap as compared to their weekly income.
2. Therefore they have an advantage on the transfer market...
3. ... where they will go to buy players with higher salaries.
Rinse, repeat. Problem solved.
In this situation for the larger community, where there is competition, there is no hope of being able to compete in the B3 or in the market.
If I'm born in Ghana I would have some hope. Now I wonder if the principle of realism, that the game is pursuing, is observed.
But for us who were born in Spain - Italy - Germany to demostrate that we are good managers must ask permission to have a team in the league with a few users as Ghana or Barbados where winning is easy and raccimolare money is even more?
This path has already been traveled by a user ... honestly if you do not balance the things I think that nothingelse can be done!
I apologize if I am wordy but I think it was for the good of the game that this situation should be corrected otherwise we ALL lose!