I took a guess with regards to the agressiveness, thinking that it would be a bell-curve distribution. Logically, I thought that BB wouldnt assign 50% of the players with a high aggressiveness, rather i guessed that Most players would have normal aggression, with the remainder of players either being less-aggressive, or more aggressive (hence bell curve)
And yes your right, randomly assigning it meant it could be called any kind of stat. Using the radom aggression assignment I was able to highlight that, even a ranomly asigned number has more correlation than the visible skills. Thus proving the argument a little bitmore, that being that OD and H have no correlation. ( I could have used anything here really, Height, hair colour, team uniform snazziness rating. )
Yer 50 players wasnt exactly ideal, but it was enough to give an indication of whether further data collection was warranted. Which, IMO, is not. :)
Thanks for the feedback.