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Is BB competitive for new users? (thread closed)

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201579.19 in reply to 201579.17
Date: 11/6/2011 4:14:59 PM
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Okey, I'd like to explain.

Please imagine one old and one young team. They play in the same league. Of course old team has huge advantage.
In first season old team has, let's say, 95% chance to win with young team. It's obvious, because he has better players, larger arena, etc.
And now we can imagine two scenarios:

1) BB with salary cap
Manager of young team is by little better than manager of old team. Effect? Young manager has practically no chance to develop his team as fast as old manager. Why? Because old team has salaries = salary cap. And young team needs the same salaries to have chance to fair competition. But he has worse players (for example because of time needed to train secondaries) and he has smaller arena. His results will be worse so his incomes will be smaller too. So he will have less money than old manager. Of course he can buy worse players but then he should be relegated ;-) In this way his team never be as good as old team ;-)
If young manager is much better then he can decrease advantage of old club (for example because he can win few matches thanks better tactic). But it's long way. In 2nd season he should have 94% to win with old team. In 3rd season he should have 93%. Etc, etc. In this way his chance should be equal after 45 seasons ;-)

2) BB without salary cap.
The same as in first case in first season young team has 5% chance to win with old club. But young manager is better than old. What does it mean? It means that old (worse) manager needs to have more expensive players to defeat young (better but weaker) manager. It means that old manager has to pay 100k more in every week. In this way young manager has 1,5M more after full season (please note that in case with salary cap it's almost impossible). He can spend this money to increase arena or to buy better players (with better secondaries). In this way in 2nd season he should have 85% chance to win with old manager. In 3rd season he should have 75%. Etc, etc and.... after 6 seasons he should have better club than old and he should have more than 50% chance to win ;-)

Not after 45 seasons, only after 6 seasons. Of course 6 seasons isn't very short period of time. But it's still better than 45 seasons ;-)

It shows that salary cap would be helpful for old teams ;-)

In past I was the youngest team in my country ;-) Still I have no chance to compete with ~20-30 teams in my country. But with salary cap I would have no chance to compete with ~200-300. I had chance to overtake most of them because they wasted their money and paid huge salaries. In game with salary cap it would be impossible.

I agree with You that it's hard for young team to compete with older teams. But with salary cap it will be harder, much harder. Your diagnosis is good. But Your solution (salary cup) sucks ;-)

This Post:
201579.20 in reply to 201579.17
Date: 11/6/2011 4:16:01 PM
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The "cap-system" had been designed for this reason and for this alone - to make the league more competative.

You talk like you understand only why cap system exist, but don't understand what cap system is.

This Post:
201579.21 in reply to 201579.20
Date: 11/6/2011 4:38:14 PM
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The "cap-system" had been designed for this reason and for this alone - to make the league more competative.

You talk like you understand only why cap system exist, but don't understand what cap system is.
Here is a phrase taken from WIKI first paragraph describing the NBA salary cap;

"Like many professional sports leagues, the NBA has a salary cap to keep teams in larger markets (with more revenue) from buying all of the top players and extending their advantage over smaller-market franchises."

Last edited by Pini פיני at 11/6/2011 4:38:41 PM

This Post:
201579.22 in reply to 201579.21
Date: 11/6/2011 4:44:03 PM
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Still the same.

So If salary cap came to BB, Venomous Scorpions will buy best players to the maximum level of salary and nobody can have better team than his, only the same. NBA is the other world, do not compare BB to it.

Last edited by ozi90 at 11/6/2011 4:46:40 PM

This Post:
201579.23 in reply to 201579.21
Date: 11/6/2011 4:50:02 PM
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Salary cap works very well in closed league with money from outside. Salary cap prevent to spend extra money to gain advantage.
BB is completely different than NBA. Leagues aren't closed but there aren't incomes from outside. So salary cap would increase advantage of old teams.

You (and me) want to decrease this advantage ;-)

With salary cap old teams will buy players with better secondaries with the same salary as players in young teams but with worse secondaries. In this way old teams would eat cake and still have cake. Without salary cap old teams have dilema - to eat cake (better chance to win match with young team but less money after season) or to have cake (less chance to win match with young team but more money after season).

This Post:
201579.24 in reply to 201579.18
Date: 11/6/2011 4:52:41 PM
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This is a ridiculous solution to something that is not really a problem in the first place.

1) There were solutions (ploural).
2) Again, "amazingly" a team from the first division, that "amazingly" [I do like this word... :+)] are in this game since season-3, is against a new system for improving competativeness, and against a system that causes this disadvantage to those teams who started after the first few seasons.

As we can see, in Season 18 we have 7 teams that participated in the top league also in Season 13. What is more interesting is that the average team is getting younger (in terms of starting time, all teams are of course now older by five seasons), although the median team both during Season 13 and Season 18 started during Season 4.
I don't remember who was the one who brang a similar information about his top league (I think it was the ABBL).
But, then (as written here in the first message on this thread) I looked what happened to the teams who have been part of the teams that played on the first division on season-4, in order of understanding what have happened to them.

What had been seen, is that teams not been beaten by new teams, but where just leaving the game.

And I will repeat a main concept here:
In case that the first league teams are there solely due to better managers, and not (by any chance) due to the season they started playing at, then there is no reason why not to reset the teams' assets every few years.

This Post:
201579.25 in reply to 201579.21
Date: 11/6/2011 5:03:07 PM
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And we wee how it is working, right?

This Post:
201579.26 in reply to 201579.24
Date: 11/6/2011 5:05:26 PM
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your idea is sick, this is a sports simulation game,
I'm not building my financial foundations and later on focusing on training my players, knowing the fact that sooner or later there's going to happen something like a 'soft wipe'

You like the game - stay and play
You get bored - leave

People never play one game for longer that a given certain period of time that is why sometimes they leave because they get bored, or have their particular reasons.

This Post:
201579.27 in reply to 201579.19
Date: 11/6/2011 5:11:24 PM
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1) As you are only being argueing against the first systme suggested and ignoring the second, I'll repeat it;
"Reset all team's assets every few seasons."

2) Regarding to the story about what will happen to a cap-system and a non-cap one;
Most of the players are built from the TL. Surely this is true in the higher leagues.

You get the same type of players (which is another thing that is needed to be changed) in the sense of skills they are when they are to the draft.

As such, the difference will stay on the money level and building a team.
In case the richer teams will want to compete against the top teams in their league, they will still bring better players (those who will cost more).
For that they will need to pay more, both for the players, and for the tax defined from the soft-cap.

Basically this is exactly what is happening in the NBA.
The large market teams spending above the soft-cap in order of competing with the best teams on the NBA.
Here, the meaning of that is that the differnece in assets will level up, and we will get a more competative game.

This Post:
201579.28 in reply to 201579.22
Date: 11/6/2011 5:18:38 PM
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Soft cap will make them pay for any money paid above the salary cap (a cap that will be defined upon average assets on the capped league).
If they will stay below it, it means one of the following (or both):
1) Their players' value is below the average value in the league. Which make them not that strong team.
2) They paid more in the TL than other to acquire better players - meaning they lose money in the process, and made the game more competative for the new seasons to come.

And again, the full ignoring of any other option (like resetting assets once every few seasons).

This Post:
201579.29 in reply to 201579.23
Date: 11/6/2011 5:26:21 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Salary cap prevent to spend extra money to gain advantage.
Not true. the soft cap does allow to spend more, and to pay for is by tax that goes to the other teams in the league.
I suggest that you will read more about the subject. It is an interesting issue.

With salary cap old teams will buy players with better secondaries with the same salary as players in young teams but with worse secondaries.
With which money they will do that? With the same money that creates this advantage.
By that the revenue difference will get smaller.

In addition, as soft-cap can be defined as follows:
1) Player cost - how much did the player cost for the team who bought him.
2) The total salaries going to the team's roster.
Due to that, this team will pay agina the tax of going over the soft-cap.
And by the hard-cap will not be able to create huge difference and will need to by smarter and not only by his economic advantage.
