I think it was you who said LI is a very versatile offense; if bigs can't score, your perimeter players will take the load. I think that's what happened here. Your guy has very high JS compared to the rest of his skills and I guess half of his shots you can contribute to this. The other half of shots I'd contribute to his bad passing/opponent's high OD who prevented him from finding a big, so he had to shoot the ball himself.
I also noticed that in a lot of offenses it's SG who gets the ball most often and it depends on his skills what he will do with it.
Take a look at this recent game of mine:
(39910789). My SG Zorin didn't take the most shots because he has 12 PA (hence the 9 assists). My SF has 6 PA and he took 5 more shots instead of dishing more assists. It's also true Zorin has much lower JR than Maierle, but PA was the key here. In the meanwhile, Polh (OI) took the most shots because of mismatch and because he has the highest JS and JR among my players. That's also why I like PtB over LI - because GE selects the best man for the job. I know Polh missed a lot, but hey...I'd also select him to take most of the shots.
Last edited by Koperboy at 11/24/2011 4:59:18 AM