It isn't philosophical issue, it's simple mathematics.
If You increase arena You must invest Your money and wait few season to retrieve it back. If You build arena earlier then You retrive money earlier. But still You must wait few seasons. If You are in higher league one season earlier then You have more money without waiting ;-)
Here is difference.
And You can exploit this money to increase arena very quick. And then You can gain money through larger arena and through playing in higher league.
Also investing in direction of a promotion, always have the risk of failing
And didn't talk about investing in direction of a promotion, I only said what is better. I said "it is better to win promotion", not "to try and to lose" ;-)
Whatever you do always is risk of failing. If You lost chance to promotion when this chance was big, there is risk that 5 times in a row to Your league will be relegated superior team (for example which tanked and now wants to use big piggybank) which will stop Your development (and again - except of top division - and here You have no experience too what happens if great team falls to Your league).
Last edited by B.B.King at 12/5/2011 10:21:19 AM