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BB Moldova > Juniori pe lista de transferuri

Juniori pe lista de transferuri

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218785.20 in reply to 218785.19
Date: 12/8/2012 9:15:15 AM
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Selling this guy. If you use brains in training it'll be real monster

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218785.21 in reply to 218785.20
Date: 12/8/2012 10:23:26 AM
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Why you don't train him ?

This Post:
218785.22 in reply to 218785.21
Date: 12/8/2012 11:02:26 AM
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I'll train him till the end if nobody buy it.

This Post:
218785.23 in reply to 218785.21
Date: 12/9/2012 2:44:47 AM
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And I'm not sure if he could get enough minutes. But I'll try to manage with it.

This Post:
218785.24 in reply to 218785.23
Date: 12/9/2012 6:29:01 AM
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And I'm not sure if he could get enough minutes. But I'll try to manage with it.

How many players do you train? because 1 of course is Kudinskiy, and this one can be a good training partner for him :)

This Post:
218785.25 in reply to 218785.24
Date: 12/9/2012 7:20:03 AM
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I know and he is. And I guess I'll train him better than most of our managers so I'll do it.

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218785.26 in reply to 218785.25
Date: 12/9/2012 8:36:41 AM
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I know and he is. And I guess I'll train him better than most of our managers so I'll do it.

Thank you for your decision!

This Post:
218785.27 in reply to 218785.26
Date: 12/9/2012 4:00:00 PM
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este un jukator cu potential bun pe transfer....cine antreneaza pivoti sau extreme de forta opoftim nu ezitati.....
Yakiv Smolyaninov (27969055)

Proprietar: Crisaliotii&Smertnicii

Salariu săptămânal: $ 3 213
Rol: jucător inutil

DMI: 33000
Vârsta: 19
Înălțime: 6'11" / 211 cm
Potenţial: Va face parte din Galeria Celebrităţilor
Forma: bun
Aruncare din săritură: inapt Distanța de aruncare: mediu
Apărare exterioară: cumplit Controlul mingii: cumplit
Pătrundere: jalnic Pase: cumplit
Aruncare din căciulă: mediu Apărare în căciulă: mediocru
Recuperare: respectabil Capace: respectabil
Rezistență: inapt Aruncări libere: mizerabil

Experiență: cumplit

This Post:
218785.28 in reply to 218785.27
Date: 12/18/2012 9:00:11 AM
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Mitica Podaru (25464412) Pivot

Proprietar: БК Зенит

Salariu săptămânal: $ 10 071
Rol: jucător de bază

DMI: 32700
Vârsta: 20
Înălțime: 6'10" / 208 cm
Potenţial: Superstar
Forma: mediu
Aruncare din săritură: inapt Distanța de aruncare: mizerabil
Apărare exterioară: cumplit Controlul mingii: jalnic
Pătrundere: inapt Pase: jalnic
Aruncare din căciulă: prolific Apărare în căciulă: prolific
Recuperare: mediu ↑ Capace: bun
Rezistență: cumplit Aruncări libere: respectabil

Experiență: cumplit

Este pe lista de transferuri....daca doreste cineva si e cointeresant pentru ca sal achizitioneze....licitati.....numai nu cu toti :D....pretul e cam inflat dar asta e.....

Last edited by aandriuha at 12/18/2012 9:00:23 AM

This Post:
218785.29 in reply to 218785.28
Date: 12/19/2012 3:31:02 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
jucator de perspectiva(25464521)
