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BB Cyprus > [NAT] 21 years old

[NAT] 21 years old (thread closed)

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76845.19 in reply to 76845.18
Date: 7/22/2009 9:01:03 AM
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Steve Makis right now is offcountry on holiday. He strikes back on sunday, and I guess He will be enthusiastic to answer your request.

This Post:
76845.20 in reply to 76845.19
Date: 7/22/2009 9:09:58 AM
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Steve Makis right now is offcountry on holiday. He strikes back on sunday, and I guess He will be enthusiastic to answer your request.

Thank you! I hope Steve will be satisfied with his holidays and will return to his work even more enthusiastic than before! =)

We are the ones who wanna play, always wanna go but we never wanna stay
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76845.21 in reply to 76845.18
Date: 7/22/2009 9:31:37 AM
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Steve is the keeper of the database, and does most of the work on it, it is his creation, and this is the way we like to keep it, right now I got the most updated database, since I'm going to reiceve last updates of past week and I'll ask next week's updates:
so I can give you my top 3 19 yo players, per position:

1) S. Yiannakakos(8238715): most improved 19 y.o. of this season's first half, JonnyB is right now a very good BIGs trainer and Yiannakokos is a product Of Cyprus Fighters he could be proud of! last game's long garbage time gave to Yiannakakos lot of minutes to show up something good!

2) M. Kasapoglou(8238621): keeps in being a good player, but his potential will stop him long before reaching high levels, and also he hadn't (as far as we know) a pop up in season 9... he will be overcame soon

3)T. Liaskos (8238417): we miss updates about him, but he has chances to be very good if he is still trained.

Power Forwards:
1) S. Fasoulis(8238533): he grows a little slower than Yiannakakos, but they are a sort of similar players that could dominate the boards in a couple of seaon in u21

2) S. Avdikos(8238514): this guy is a bit too short to grow fast as the top class guys, but he can always become usefull in future, all depends on his training

3)S. Karayiannidis(9136650): he pops fast, but he is stilla bit beyond the top class of 19 yo... as for Avdikos he needs training, and more training

Small forward: just one, they are too young to be more small forwards than guards or center with a good secondary defense

S. Chalampakalis (8238632):five weeks passed and we hadn't any news about him.. let's hope he is trained, he is a very good prospect, with lots of respectable (7) skills.


1) N. Rovolas (8238671):his owner knows how to train those kind of guys and the results are there: e very good shooter, who knows how to defend, let's hope he will grow this way a lot more

2) N. Prokas(8238491): better defender than Rovolas, but worst shooter, we always speak of a couple of pops, so they have time to compete for the top position

3) L. Lemonitis(8238497): a good shooter, a nice defender, but beyond the other 2 guys, let's train him and make this a 3 guys competition

Point guards:

1)K. Papazisis (8238542): a very nice point guard, more passing and more shooting and he will surely reach the u21

2) N. Kopidakis (8238679) our top 19 yo assist man, he desperatly needs to learn how to shoot!

3)T. Gittas (9730192): not update for a while we updated 3 levels in jump shot, the guy works hard, let's hope his defense and his passing improve to

Last edited by Thecippis at 7/22/2009 9:38:30 AM

This Post:
76845.22 in reply to 76845.21
Date: 7/22/2009 9:36:52 AM
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A very complicated analysis! That's what I expected! Thank you!

We are the ones who wanna play, always wanna go but we never wanna stay
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76845.23 in reply to 76845.22
Date: 7/22/2009 9:39:58 AM
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we are always here for any question, you know guys...
now I'll write down a top 5 of top 18 yo...

I'm sure Steve will make his own chart as he gets back, so check the forum!

This Post:
76845.24 in reply to 76845.23
Date: 7/22/2009 9:48:33 AM
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Middle name of Yiannakakos is ''Amazing". Considering that i bought him for just 100k then here you have e bargain.

This Post:
76845.25 in reply to 76845.24
Date: 7/22/2009 9:56:21 AM
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defenitly, but I want you to be able to give us a triple 11 (in main skills :D) for next season, are you going to make it? :P

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76845.26 in reply to 76845.25
Date: 7/22/2009 10:21:20 AM
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Well thats 4 pop ups away. I cant give him mono training but i can see him to be very close on that and missing the target my 1 or 2 pop ups

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76845.27 in reply to 76845.26
Date: 7/24/2009 12:45:50 PM
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I'm sorry, I'm in Poland for work with my own country junior national team. I will be back tomorrow and I will write my chart :-)

Even if Thecippis has done a good work I will write my considerations about.

Thanks for waiting

This Post:
76845.28 in reply to 76845.11
Date: 7/27/2009 8:58:47 AM
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19 years old is an important step to u 21 national team and we could see if some players are prospects for senior team too. Let's start with "dwarfs" and we finish as usual with "giants":


1) N. Prokas (8238491) of T.P. Team -> He's still #1

2) T. Kakarnakis (8238443) of Slam Dunkers -> Good work by GaD10. From #5 to #2! I appreciate his work on primary skills, he won't be a Point Guard, but for sure a scorer!

3) N. Rovolas (8238671) of Gold Towers -> He's the best shooter and best passer, he needs some levels of OD and JR.

4) L. Lemonitis (8238497) of Kyriakos B.C -> Oh, I like him! A very complete player, just a little bit worst than Rovolas and Kakarnakis on primary but he could shoot in the paint pretty well!

5) T. Gittas (9730192) of ZEYS -> Sometimes he updates... if Coach - A updates me every week I will be happier! Good work on him, but I've never had an answer... lucky Thecippis that had one... a good one! Continue training like that, but update us :-)

Small Forwards:

1) K. Papazisis (8238542) of BC teammate -> New entry as Small Forward, but he has defenses, shoots and a good manager. I only ask to moti123 to give him some JS levels.

2) S. Avdikos (8238514) of gasmeat -> He's always trained as PF, but I hope that he could reach a better level on JS and mainly on ST!!!

3) N. Gkavoyiannos (8238456) of Los Antjeles -> Good work until "injured time". I hope he will grow up on JS/JR/IS level if not he will never shoot in a match!

4) P. Kalifoulis (9730241) of Kyriakos B.C -> He's an high Small Forward with good perimetric skills, I hope in a future to see him trained as "giant"

5) Y. Tsouknidas (8238637) of WBGL -> He's good but he pop-ups only sometimes...

Inside Players:

1) S. Fasoulis (8238533) of Sport Arena -> The 19 y.o. twin towers grow up usually at the same time. I hope he will pop-ups as soon as possible on IS.

2) S. Yiannakakos (8238715) of Cyprus Fighters -> He's a very good shooter now and a solid player. He should raise his free throws level to shoot as well from charity line!

3) M. Kasapoglou (8238621) of Lost Spartans -> good player! He grow up in a very balanced way. The limit is potential, I'm sorry for that, but he could only play with u21 National Team

4) S. Karayiannidis (9136650) of Bob Marley -> He trains only one position and he had an incredible number of pop-ups. New entry!

5) N. Gagatsis (8238653) of Megalonisos -> Sometimes Jason updates us and sometimes this player pop-up, mainly on RB and JS, but he could be a PF for the future if Jason would train IS and ID

We have 2 big players as Fasoulis and Yiannakakos and many, many small players that are growing well and they overcome every week or like that, there a good and important interest on these 19 y.o.
Pay attention to E. Kelepouris that was many levels down of first 5 Guard Players at the begin of this season but thanks to Sundin13 is the most improved player until mid-season

Last edited by Steve Makis™ at 7/28/2009 5:32:31 AM

This Post:
76845.29 in reply to 76845.28
Date: 7/27/2009 9:20:43 AM
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2) S. Avdikos (8238514) of gasmeat -> He's always trained as PF, but I hope that he could reach a better level on JS and mainly on ST!!!

I noticed that Stamina hasn't got any influence on his perfomance, so I won't train it. Check his latest matches if you want to ensure yourself.
He has a high sublevel in JS mainly because I trained IS for a long time. I expect him to pop-up in this skill soon.
Will I disappoint you if I say that he won't be a SF, but a PF for sure. I hope he will be useful for Cyprus U21.

We are the ones who wanna play, always wanna go but we never wanna stay