Okay, so the change causes difficulty for those who were micromanaging underpotential trainees for fringe NT roles. Get the pitchforks and torches!
This change, like all changes in real and internet life, affects all participants. Ones in a good way, others in a bad way. I'm in second group. Does this mean I can't complain?
I assume that you probably have a very low sublevel of passing for this fine fellow, yes? So given that the cross-training is roughly 10% of normal training and we assume that it hits one of 9 skills at random, every 90 weeks you can expect to have received one week's worth of passing training. Yeah, go ahead and sell your player now - you're screwed. ;)
You have to take into account PA is the fastest training. I don't know if it will train faster as a secondary training, but we will see. Anyway, I plan on training this fellow for 4 more seasons, so that's 56 weeks. Can you guarantee me the training engine will not choose PA enough times in 56 weeks, thus not making it pop?
It could pop or it couldn't. Why am I not happy for this randomness?
You also have to know I'd have a greater ticket sales and merchandise if my player plays for NT. Let's say 15k for merchandise and 30k for ticket sales, which is 45k/week. If he plays in 6 NTgames per season, that's 6 x 45k=270k. For some nothing, for some a lot. I know I want to save every 1k I can.