I like the captain idea. Sounds easy enough to implement, if it is just a letter or line of text.
Anything that needs a graphic designer have always been a challenge. I tried very hard to work for this some years ago, to attract more managers that appreciate visual input as well as the mathematical and tactical strength of BB. The problem is that the one that made the first pictures are not available, and there is not much budget to get someone else to improve it further. I personally think that having the players look like collector cards would be tha bomb.
Actually, I still think it would be awesome. A page that shows the collector card with each player that have been on your team, and those your team have played against. But until they get a graphic designer I think we just have to imagine how cool it would be. At least we finally got Jerseys (even if it is the light version I appreciate it).
I think the lack of positive feedback from BBs/GMs are the result of many years trying to get suggestions implemented, and very few (at least visual) that have been focused on. I used to be a GM with my former team, so I can relate.
I do hope they have a list of suggestions. Every time a suggestion gets supported or mentioned again it should get another notch. When they see a big enough demand they might, eventually, see the value of it... I hope. Still. Keep the suggestion coming. We will prevail!