Frankly, I've always thought training in BB is just plain weird. This is one step in the right direction.
Why is it weird? Because you can have a 18 year old guard on your team, and he can go to practice every day, play in games every week, and do this for years and years and years, and still never get any better at playing basketball because the coaches are over talking to the big men. That poor guard lives, sleeps and works at playing basketball for a professional team, and never ever gets any better as a basketball player.
This seems to be a step in the right direction. At least now the portion of the team you are talking to does get some broader skill increases. Now, even if the coaches are talking to the big guys about rebounding every day, day after day, their passing might actually get better from playing all the basketball that they are playing. Its still weird, since the guards won't ever increase. But at least the big guys now can occaisionally improve their jump shot or passing without having to do something totally strange like play them at PG or SG or something.
Me, I'd love to see a training system more like real-life. ....
1) Every players gets some training every week just by being on the squad and being in practice and watching films and the like.
2) Managers have one set of input by controlling playing time. Players that play get extra training over players that don't.
3) Managers have another set of input by controlling the focus of the coaching staff. Maybe a certain number of points to spread around or concentrate. If you want all the coaches working with one big guy prospect on his rebounding, then that area of training gets a boost. Or, you could have your coaches working with every one on the team on FT. However the manager wants to spread around those 'focus' points.
Meanwhile, to me, the training system is just plain weird, and I'm not sure I see the value of a new training system over an older weird training system. Both are strange, and its just a matter of figuring out how to best use the weird training system as best you can.
Strategy-wise, I'm curious if this new change might put some more value in the broader trainings of the whole team. The focus of the training would still increase painfully slowly in such a case. But, would you get more of the random pops spread around the team that would help make up for it?