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BB France > Projet Tutorat

Projet Tutorat (thread closed)

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From: skyhook

To: ony
This Post:
82169.197 in reply to 82169.179
Date: 8/12/2009 3:07:00 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
- Baloncesto (35241) (Graoully (87788))
- BoO_BoO (27360) (Quevilly Basket (85029))
- Bourrin (35919) (Olympian Golden (84521))
- Bressan08 (36124) (Riccardorm (35910) )
- eldi84 (27358)
- Jabby (36009)
- Jeff85 (35501) (LV79 (27329))
- kevincecarter (35730)
- KingOfKing (27479) (BoumBoum (88560))
- Looping (35773) ( MISSOUN (86249))
- Manu_B (27280) (CB Caen (85064))
- Mikee31 (35799) -> Popodu32 (86330)
- nash (35830) (rondelle team (87360)
- ony (86128) (Baikal medved (84742)
- PatMan (35694) ( BEN#9 (85295) )
- Perpete (35601) (Steuf (84907) )
- PieroA (27399) (El-Juanito (87765) )
- Sillver(27265)
- Totutt (35353)
- tuckbess (35815)
- Vividus (35810) ( Corwin (87699) )
- Wimaol (35977) ( Pastaga Boys (88004) )
- zisvan (27162) ( slamball spirit (222781) )

This Post:
82169.198 in reply to 82169.196
Date: 8/12/2009 4:18:07 PM
basket haute gironde
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Antigua Boyz
Donc en public....j'arrête! Je ne serais plus du monde des tuteurs à partir de....maintenant...

ps,J'édite la liste.

C'est vraiment dommage que sky se retire car c'est vraiment un des managers les plus expérimentés de BB France et qu'il pourrait aider bien plus d'un débutant meme en étant peu présent.
D'un autre coté, je le comprends vu ma dernière expérience en tant que tuteur ^^

From: lays
This Post:
82169.199 in reply to 82169.198
Date: 8/24/2009 7:34:44 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
je recherche un tuteur car le besoin s'en fait ressentir ^^
merci d'avance

From: Jeff85

This Post:
82169.200 in reply to 82169.197
Date: 8/25/2009 6:06:40 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
- Baloncesto (35241) (Graoully (87788))
- BoO_BoO (27360) (Quevilly Basket (85029))
- Bourrin (35919) (Olympian Golden (84521))
- Bressan08 (36124) (Riccardorm (35910) )
- eldi84 (27358)
- Jabby (36009)
- Jeff85 (35501)
- kevincecarter (35730)
- KingOfKing (27479) (BoumBoum (88560))
- Looping (35773) ( MISSOUN (86249))
- Manu_B (27280) (CB Caen (85064))
- Mikee31 (35799) -> Popodu32 (86330)
- nash (35830) (rondelle team (87360)
- ony (86128) (Baikal medved (84742)
- PatMan (35694) ( BEN#9 (85295) )
- Perpete (35601) (Steuf (84907) )
- PieroA (27399) (El-Juanito (87765) )
- Sillver(27265)
- Totutt (35353)
- tuckbess (35815)
- Vividus (35810) ( Corwin (87699) )
- Wimaol (35977) ( Pastaga Boys (88004) )
- zisvan (27162) ( slamball spirit (222781) )

De nouveau disponible

From: Khaz
This Post:
82169.201 in reply to 82169.200
Date: 8/27/2009 5:17:08 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Bonjour tout nouveau sur buzzer, avec un chouia d'experience hattrick, je viens ici à la recherche d'un tuteur pour m'aider à prendre mon envol !

Merci d'avance.

From: Jeff85

To: Khaz
This Post:
82169.202 in reply to 82169.201
Date: 8/31/2009 5:40:42 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Je prends

From: Jeff85

This Post:
82169.203 in reply to 82169.200
Date: 8/31/2009 5:42:04 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
- Baloncesto (35241) (Graoully (87788))
- BoO_BoO (27360) (Quevilly Basket (85029))
- Bourrin (35919) (Olympian Golden (84521))
- Bressan08 (36124) (Riccardorm (35910) )
- eldi84 (27358)
- Jabby (36009)
- Jeff85 (35501) (khaz (35959))
- kevincecarter (35730)
- KingOfKing (27479) (BoumBoum (88560))
- Looping (35773) ( MISSOUN (86249))
- Manu_B (27280) (CB Caen (85064))
- Mikee31 (35799) -> Popodu32 (86330)
- nash (35830) (rondelle team (87360)
- ony (86128) (Baikal medved (84742)
- PatMan (35694) ( BEN#9 (85295) )
- Perpete (35601) (Steuf (84907) )
- PieroA (27399) (El-Juanito (87765) )
- Sillver(27265)
- Totutt (35353)
- tuckbess (35815)
- Vividus (35810) ( Corwin (87699) )
- Wimaol (35977) ( Pastaga Boys (88004) )
- zisvan (27162) ( slamball spirit (222781) )

Last edited by Jeff85 at 8/31/2009 5:42:49 PM

This Post:
82169.204 in reply to 82169.203
Date: 9/9/2009 5:54:37 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
bonjour les gars.Je recherche un tuteur egalement car je pense avoir un bon potentiel d'equipe.
Quelqu'un peut m'aider ?

From: divan

This Post:
82169.205 in reply to 82169.200
Date: 9/10/2009 2:20:07 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
- Baloncesto (35241) (Graoully (87788))
- BoO_BoO (27360) (Quevilly Basket (85029))
- Bourrin (35919) (Olympian Golden (84521))
- Bressan08 (36124) (Riccardorm (35910) )
- divan (27320) (Basket Club Brassacois (84681))
- eldi84 (27358)
- Jabby (36009)
- Jeff85 (35501)
- kevincecarter (35730)
- KingOfKing (27479) (BoumBoum (88560))
- Looping (35773) ( MISSOUN (86249))
- Manu_B (27280) (CB Caen (85064))
- Mikee31 (35799) -> Popodu32 (86330)
- nash (35830) (rondelle team (87360)
- ony (86128) (Baikal medved (84742)
- PatMan (35694) ( BEN#9 (85295) )
- Perpete (35601) (Steuf (84907) )
- PieroA (27399) (El-Juanito (87765) )
- Sillver(27265)
- Totutt (35353)
- tuckbess (35815)
- Vividus (35810) ( Corwin (87699) )
- Wimaol (35977) ( Pastaga Boys (88004) )
- zisvan (27162) ( slamball spirit (222781) )

Je prends Basket Club Brassacois (84681)

Last edited by divan at 9/10/2009 2:21:00 AM

From: lucas97
This Post:
82169.206 in reply to 82169.203
Date: 9/12/2009 11:07:06 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
bonjour je cherche un tuteur

This Post:
82169.207 in reply to 82169.206
Date: 9/12/2009 4:14:41 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Je cherche également un tuteur, venant de débuter ma première saison
