As I'm building a house myself at this time I know all too well that almost every proposed date will get delayed. This is reality, and BB is a game, so it can be diffrent...
However this is the way BB have programmed it, and you can't say you where not warned.
I had many building projects so far at my stadion so I can compare a little.
My first 6 day estiate was right on time, my second 6 day estimate (just like you I put as many seat up for building to get them right in time) took 9 days to build, so they where late for my home match. the 3 following builds where either right on time, or 1 day late, I didn't even followed them up that closely anymore... Why?
I learned my lesson.
The lesson is simple:
If you want your seats done in time, you should request a max amount that will be ready a few days in advance, so that should there be delays, you will get the extra seats in time.
If you want a certain amount of seats, just build them, but don't look at the time.
So you have to decide what's more important, the time they will be finished, or the amount you would like, and decide upon that.
Since there is no extra cost in building, and you just pay per seat, it does not matter how many you build each time, so it realy should not be a big porblem.
I think we almost all will have to run into the fact we want to build as much as possible, and having it done by the last day, while we will only get them 2 or 3 days later before we learn not to trust the estimates.
Why do they do this?
Because it is fun. (at least I think it is) . They could just as good have not given an estimate, then you'd just have to wait until you get your seats done, without having any clue...
If they would follow the estimate build time strictly, it would be too easy to get the maximum out of the system, without risk, that's boring, not fun...
What do others think?
They are not your friends; they dispise you. I am the only one you can count on. Trust me.