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bids (thread closed)

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127577.2 in reply to 127577.1
Date: 1/11/2010 11:14:26 PM
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This doesn't look like a help post...more like a complaint! :p

Prices have rised a lot in the last season and it doesn't look its getting any better so get used to it :)

Last edited by Monkeybiz at 1/11/2010 11:14:38 PM

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127577.3 in reply to 127577.1
Date: 1/12/2010 5:47:10 AM
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in real life, we could borrow at 1% interest, leverage at 30 to 1, and then you would REALLY see the prices skyrocket.

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127577.4 in reply to 127577.2
Date: 1/12/2010 8:33:31 AM
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sry just a statement

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127577.5 in reply to 127577.1
Date: 1/12/2010 8:59:25 AM
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The Help forum is for help topics.


"I don't know half of you half as well as I should like; and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve."