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BB USA > RIP John Wooden

RIP John Wooden

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From: Rambo

To: Edju
This Post:
145740.2 in reply to 145740.1
Date: 6/5/2010 2:04:22 AM
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Mad dead son..

From: Dawson

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145740.3 in reply to 145740.2
Date: 6/5/2010 11:52:35 AM
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Awesome guy, truely cut from a different mold than most coaches today.

From: Jazz-Fan

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145740.4 in reply to 145740.3
Date: 6/6/2010 4:53:53 AM
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Well said. I had the honor of eating dinner with him and my dad about 25 years ago. I did not know what to expect of him after all those championships I thought that he might be full of himself, but I was very wrong he was a gentleman and very humble, he even acted interested in what I had to say. And the thing that sticks out in my mind is how he never took the credit for winning, his answer was always he had great players 1 thru 12. Basketball will never have the luxury of another coach like that.

Garry Muir