first train skills that are most difficult: OD and JR, monorole. In his first season you can add some JS to balance attack and have a player, not a number.
while proceeding you can progressively add PA instead of OD and JR. JR should be reduced to a minimum by two seasons, as 1v1 should start end of season 3/beginning of season 4, when defense will require +1 per season, JR is almost ok.
Let me start with an "all 7" PG MVP or above.
S1: OD +3 (10), JR +2 (9) JS +2 including decimals from JR (9), add +1 PA (8), DR HN will pop +1/2 (let's say 1) (8)
S2: OD +2 (12), JR +1 (10), JS +2 as above (11), PA +2 (10), DR HN as secondaries (9). That would recover some decimals of PA in optimistic S1
Then proceed as described above.
Very rough with an ideal player, no injuries, etc.
If you train 1v1 at the beginning, you have a nice player, with a lot of secondaries, unable to defend and attack ^^
edit: LOL!!!! I posted this and discover's you!
Last edited by GM-BlackMouse at 10/16/2010 10:59:51 AM