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Playoff money?

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From: Vikman

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1674.2 in reply to 1674.1
Date: 10/10/2007 3:52:12 AM
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Home team gets 2/3 of revenue
Away team gets 1/3 of revenue

I believe I said it incorrectly before and I apologize.

Edited 10/10/2007 3:53:49 AM by GM-Vikman

From: DireWolf

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1674.3 in reply to 1674.2
Date: 10/10/2007 7:27:12 AM
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When you say revenue, do you mean extra tv revenue though?

Because it doesn't seem as though there has been any extra tv revenue for the first playoff game at all.

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1674.5 in reply to 1674.4
Date: 10/10/2007 9:08:11 AM
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Ok i just sat down and worked it all out:

My arena stats for my last game were:

Bleachers: 2810 @ $20 = $56200 (the fans haven't liked my price increase this month haha)
Lower Tier: 600 @ $50 = $30000
Courtside: 150 @$100 = $15000
Luxury Box: 3 @$800 = $2400

Total = $103600

When i look at my economy page however, i see this:
Arena Revenue for Match 779593 $69066

So if this is correct then you're saying that there is no bonus tv money to distribute between the 2 teams but the away team takes a third of my regular arena earnings? That seems a bit wrong to me.

From: Vikman

This Post:
1674.6 in reply to 1674.5
Date: 10/10/2007 8:03:12 PM
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Yes the away team takes 1/3 of regular game revenue.

This Post:
1674.7 in reply to 1674.6
Date: 10/10/2007 8:14:16 PM
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According to BB-Charles (in a post I can't find), playoff games are televised. However, the "TV" money for playoff games is taken by the league for "charitable" purposes.

Translation: No TV money for playoff games, only arena income.

This Post:
1674.8 in reply to 1674.7
Date: 10/10/2007 9:15:10 PM
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According to BB-Charles (in a post I can't find), playoff games are televised. However, the "TV" money for playoff games is taken by the league for "charitable" purposes.

Translation: No TV money for playoff games, only arena income.


This Post:
1674.9 in reply to 1674.8
Date: 10/10/2007 9:16:49 PM
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There it is. Thanks