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BB België > National Team Debate Thread

National Team Debate Thread (thread closed)

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169024.3 in reply to 169024.2
Date: 1/13/2011 5:30:28 PM
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As usual there is only ONE candidate who is serious ... COME ON REVO

This Post:
169024.4 in reply to 169024.1
Date: 1/13/2011 9:59:27 PM
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You make think I'm just some American candidate running to be a national manager, but I'm not. I think Belgium has potential at being a great team. Also I have a player from this who I owe so much to. Belgium needs to works on less interior. If they can increase perimeter we can become a great team. Please consider me as a candidate and I promise I will do great things for this team.

This Post:
169024.5 in reply to 169024.4
Date: 1/14/2011 5:58:16 AM
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aaah. someone showed up for a debate.

well, Wyatt, i'll admit that i've got a fair advantage when talking about the NT, cause i can actually see the skills of the NT players.

and we got rather decent guards. we usually get overpowered through our inside, and not through the outside.

as a matter of fact, a NT needs to try and keep improving in every position that it can. only, our inside players need a bitt more improvement than our outside players at this point.

and, with all due respect, the belgian player that you have might be good for the lvl of competition that you play in, but you never made it out of the 5th division in America. i won't deny that the II division of America isn't tougher than the II division of belgium, but the fact remain, you most probably haven't even had any player with more than 30k salary on your team.

another thing to point out is that i'm entering my 10th season on BB, where as you only have been playing since season 10. I've been twice as long as you on BB, and altho length doesn't always mean that you understand the game and that you have experience, i have managed to promote to the 2nd division, and i have a fairly decent team.

So before you go on, you might want to answer these questions:

1) Why would your inexperience not be a down side for the NT?
2) In our country, we mainly speak dutch and french. Some managers can't speak english. how do you intend to communicate with them?

Just in advance, i'll answer the questions myself:

1) i've been around since season 5, and i've been on the NT team for 4.5 seasons, as stated in my speech.
2) i speak 3 languages fluently ( Dutch, French and English) and altho i'm not an expert, i can understand some German too, which makes communicating with other managers somewhat easier when you can addapt to their language.

If anyone where to dought. 2 guy's made a speech, so atleast i hope that you'll be voting for one of the guy's who made a speech. and from those who made a speech, i think it's fair to say that i would be the better candidate. It's your vote, use it wisely.


This Post:
169024.6 in reply to 169024.5
Date: 1/14/2011 7:58:44 AM
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Outch. You've K.O. him! The debate has just started that there is already nothing to say! =D

Wyatt999 and all Belgium managers: enjoy BuzzerBeater. Keep on playing this wonderful game. Keep on developing your managerial skills and you'll be ready to lead a NT to success ;-).

This Post:
169024.7 in reply to 169024.6
Date: 1/14/2011 8:20:35 AM
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after first cut (the top 5 guy's left in the vote + ties for the 5th spot + those who got minimal 5% of the votes), their are 4 remaining candidates:

Niels_68 ( who hasn't made a speech)
Camacho (who hasn't made a speech)
LA-Laurens (who hasn't made a speech)

oops, no more wyatt...

Outch. You've K.O. him! The debate has just started that there is already nothing to say! =D

Wyatt999 and all Belgium managers: enjoy BuzzerBeater. Keep on playing this wonderful game. Keep on developing your managerial skills and you'll be ready to lead a NT to success ;-).

isn't that what you are supposed to do when debating? trying to KO the other one? :P

btw, i always wonder how some do it, how do those who don't make a speech ( looking back at the season 13 election. i was the only guy to make a speech, yet, 2 other managers got 18 votes each... with no speach... i really wonder how they got those 18 votes. if you get 4 or 5 votes, well, from some teams of your division or so) then i'd understand. but getting 18 votes without speech, is something that i just don't understand...

So i wonder, how many votes will the other candidates get this time. Nobody else made a speech, so they shouldn't be getting alot of votes. Maybe LA-Laurens could get some, because of his LA tag, but i should have the same advantage in that case...


This Post:
169024.8 in reply to 169024.7
Date: 1/14/2011 8:53:56 AM
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You learned me something. I didn't knew elections were proceeding this way. So in the second round, the only ones left are the candidates that gathers at least 5% of the votes? Are you sure?

Yeah, Wyatt999 is out thanks to you LOL ;-).

About the guys that don't make a speech... You know, some player makes friends on BuzzerBeater. They have got their lobbying that enables them to not post any speech. It's unfair for the ones that made the effort to build a consistent program, but that's how it works. Unfortunately!

The "LA", "GM" tag helps a lot in elections. You don't feel like having the same advantages as Laurens?

This Post:
169024.9 in reply to 169024.8
Date: 1/14/2011 10:24:22 AM
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first of all, I am wondering why a foreigner is following our debates about NT. but nevertheless, feel welcome.

then: a lot of users do not use forums. yet they can still vote. In this case a tag indeed helps, but what is best is a splendid name. lekkerdingzonderstring for instance. ;)

I'd alos like to point out that K.O.-ing opponents might help you get your title, but won't help you get help from fellow candidates. I believe that every candidate has at least some motivation, and it might be good to involve them into the NT, rather then knock them out cold. a Country can never have enough motivated people who are doing their best for the NT.

NT coaches burn up, due to the amount of work, and at that time it is good to have a good replacememtn who already knows how things work and has some inside info on the NT. So gather everyone interested I'd say.

They are not your friends; they dispise you. I am the only one you can count on. Trust me.
This Post:
169024.10 in reply to 169024.9
Date: 1/14/2011 10:41:17 AM
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first of all, I am wondering why a foreigner is following our debates about NT. but nevertheless, feel welcome.
I'm just following your debates for fun =). Like I do in countries in which I understand the language =P. Plus, I want to get more involve in BuzzerBeater and contribute to its development. And IMHO, chatting/posting/writing, whatever you call this, is a good way to create a pleasant atmosphere in the game.Thanks for welcoming me though.

It's interesting to see the behavior and habit of each country. So here, like elsewhere I have to admit, depending on the nickname you choose, you get more chances than others to win the election.

I'd alos like to point out that K.O.-ing opponents might help you get your title, but won't help you get help from fellow candidates. I believe that every candidate has at least some motivation, and it might be good to involve them into the NT, rather then knock them out cold. a Country can never have enough motivated people who are doing their best for the NT.

NT coaches burn up, due to the amount of work, and at that time it is good to have a good replacememtn who already knows how things work and has some inside info on the NT. So gather everyone interested I'd say.
That's true! I completely agree. But there are some profiles that you can determine easier than others. Most candidates don't really want to get involve in a NT if not elected... Rare of the ones that wants so, and generally, they are easily identifiable. So I kind of understand the fact why Revo knocked him out so quickly. Even though it would have been better to go easy on him.

This Post:
169024.11 in reply to 169024.10
Date: 1/14/2011 12:54:07 PM
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I think an important issue is for NT players to have club stability, not being transferred every other week. That's why I think NT staff has to work together with club owners to ensure the skills and salaries of the players make sense both for the NT and the club. I also think it could help the versatility of the NT, with a wider array of usable tactics to beat difficult opponents.
With that in mind, I'd like candidates to answer a couple of questions.

What emphasis do you put on non-primary skills?
If you have been involved in the program in the past, can you give me an example of not selecting the player with the highest salary, providing their skills if possible? Answer hypothetically if you have never been involved with the NT yet.

"Air is beautiful, yet you cannot see it. It's soft, yet you cannot touch it. Air is a little like my brain." - Jean-Claude Van Damme
From: Laur3ns
This Post:
169024.12 in reply to 169024.11
Date: 1/14/2011 1:14:25 PM
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Well it seems that it's best if I made a little speech! =D
I'm not going to brag about my great achievements, because I haven't played at a high level...
But I do got one cup-final under my belt...
I've been playing this game for quite some time and I think it's time for something new... Because competition games can get quite boring from time to time!
There's not much I can say about our current NT except for the fact that results just should be better...

