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Suggestions > Suspensions?


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193075.2 in reply to 193075.1
Date: 8/2/2011 8:00:08 PM
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I wouldn't like this because it would just make more players miss games and make the manager of the player who flagrant fouled pissed because their player is going to miss 2 games and they cant do anything to prevent it unlike with injuries you can get a better doctor to prevent them from happening most of the time. My suggestion to you, get a better doctor

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193075.3 in reply to 193075.1
Date: 8/2/2011 8:37:20 PM
Pinhal Novo Magic
Liga Nacional
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How about buy a good doctor?

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193075.5 in reply to 193075.4
Date: 8/3/2011 3:29:20 AM
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At first, I was like, no way, too random, not fair, etc. But then I was like, hmmm, another funny element to the aggressive players... maybe if a player commits too many technical or flagrant fouls in a season he should be suspended. This would certainly make things more interesting. In the end, I still think it would be too random and too much randomness could scuttle the perfect strategy and, after all, this is primarily a strategy game, so I'd vote no to this. But I totally can see how this could make the game more fun, to I'm not totally against the idea and I'm glad it came up.

Fun is good!

I like the idea.

"Luck har nothing to do with it..."
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193075.6 in reply to 193075.5
Date: 8/4/2011 10:47:12 PM
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I like the idea too!
Nba rules - is it 10 techs in a season and you miss one game? Not sure. maybe something like that. If you get 3 flagrant fouls in a season, you miss one game.

My only concern with this suggestion is as follows -

The hidden aggression stat is exactly that....hidden. it can be identified by analysing the players stats, number of fouls per 48 mins etc.

But if BB implemented this 'punishment' for flagrant fouls, then this hidden aggression factor I feel, would need to become less transparent. It could just be something as simple as keeping track of how many times the player gets suspended, inside the player history column. Or number of flagrant fouls in the year.
eg: If im buying a player on the transfer market, and say the limit is 3 flagrant fouls in the season, and say its coming close to finals time, I wouldnt really want to buy a player who has already had 2 flagrant fouls for that season. Or that player would be worth less on transfer market.... OR at least if I bought him, id have that information to know what risks I am taking.

Dont get me wrong, I love the idea and im sure it would be easy to implement, just thinking outside the square for other impacts. Implemented correctly with some kind of tracking or information about the number of suspensions, or flagrant fouls (or however its implemented) definately a good suggestion.

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193075.7 in reply to 193075.6
Date: 8/5/2011 8:18:02 AM
Milwaukee Lethargy
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Miłwaukee Lethargy
Flagrant fouls, or even bigger violations, don't normally carryover when changing leagues. The player starts over with a clean slate. If say Lebron James had punched a referee in the face during the NBA finals then decided to play in Turkey, he wouldn't be suspended for that in Turkey. Same with drug & other offenses normally.

If this flagrant foul thing were to be implemented, how about penalties to non-aggressive players? Maybe non aggressive players like to sleep in & show up late? Be late for 3 games/practices, & be suspended a game.

An intimidation penalty. Like: "Player X is afraid of Mr. Thug & refuses step foot in the paint, drive to the basket, or go after any loose ball in his vicinity". A player's intimidation factor goes up with each flagrant foul. And quintuples with each suspension! Eventually non-aggressive Player X refuses to even take the court against Mr. Thug!

New Trainer specialty: Phone user. He calls your non-aggressive player with his cell-phone in an attempt to wake him up so he won't be late. Since cell phone coverage is spotty it doesn't always work.
New PR specialty: Paralegal. He uses legal jargon in an attempt to get the league to reduce suspensions to aggressive players. He's not an actual lawyer though & isn't always taken seriously.

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193075.8 in reply to 193075.7
Date: 8/5/2011 11:51:35 AM
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Very novel and inventive, ive seen similar types of things in Player Manager was it? the soccer game? cant quite remember.

I think it has to be kept fairly simple and realistic, using factors and existing stats that are employed by the game engine. Some of the things mentioned above would be quite drastic changes to the game engine. ie: intimidation factor. how this would be calculated, on going ramifications etc etc.

But still, very 'out of the box' thinking, i like it. But probably not a realistic suggestion.

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193075.9 in reply to 193075.8
Date: 8/9/2011 8:04:58 AM
Milwaukee Lethargy
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Miłwaukee Lethargy
Lol, I was mostly kidding on those.

But still... I'd be really amused reading complaints in the main forums if it did get implemented. "Man... My star player didn't wake up again and is suspended for the conference finals." "Maybe you should've hired a phone user then?" Or, "My paralegal sucks.. why can't we get real lawyers?". & the notion of specialty named "Phone user" entertains me as well.

I guess technically it could be based off the hidden aggressiveness stat that already exists. Those with minimal aggression are passive (& susceptible to intimidation). Those with high aggression are not, but will also be thrown out of games & suspended frequently. Intimidation factor wouldn't be a new skill/attribute, just basically a counter to flagrant fouls then x5 for every suspension. (You wanted a visible counter, so assuming that was already there.) Gives you both a penalty & a counter-bonus to getting suspended. But yeah, not realistic.

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193075.10 in reply to 193075.9
Date: 8/9/2011 1:23:32 PM
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Ability to raqndomly injure opposite player is one of the few things to compensate players with that hidden physical play attribute. Punishing them for that would make them outright bad.

Yes most of the good managers tends not to have those palyers but still.

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193075.11 in reply to 193075.1
Date: 8/12/2011 9:51:11 PM
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Aggressive players are already close to worthless. As soon as I see a player is aggressive I sell him right away. You want to make them even worse?