well, none of these things are really competing benefits, or mutually exclusive. In principle, you can maximize each of them. I'd say it's especially important to manage enthusiasm and gameshape, especially at lower division leagues.
Enthusiasm will affect how well your players play defense and rebound, plus it will allow you to use a higher effort setting when you need to try and beat a better opponent. In general, take it easy in any game you really expect to win or lose. Then perhaps use normal in the remaining games.
Game shape is crucial in maximizing your players' performance. A high salary player will play terrible if they have low gameshape. With good minutes management, you should be able to get most of your players in strong to proficient GS.
Experience is one of those things that's very hard to measure the effect of. Of course the higher the better, but how much does high experience levels counteract a low skill level? Nobody really knows.