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Suggestions > Suggestion: computerized players leagues

Suggestion: computerized players leagues

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From: CrazyEye

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204577.2 in reply to 204577.1
Date: 12/14/2011 6:36:35 AM
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i would say normally you don't look at them when they are fully computerised.

The thing why they are there, is that the league levels had to be created complete, and not just V.1-V.3 and that we need empty leagues for the case that the game get new members. Sometimes those empty space is pretty optimistic, and it should be posible to reduce for example the 6th league in germany.
But personally i think, it would be lot better just to find a more efficient way, of calculating those games like a random choiche betwen a db of game reports.

From: !ngkor

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204577.3 in reply to 204577.2
Date: 12/14/2011 6:43:00 AM
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But the thing is, when we start playing bb in B elgium we start in a IV league, and not in a V league, can't we just delete a few then?

From: CrazyEye

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204577.4 in reply to 204577.3
Date: 12/14/2011 6:50:16 AM
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one or all, and sometimes we had crazy runs at the game, i belive we had a very succesfull(at least short term) ad campaign before two season where some countrys get full. So the BB had to decide which devision are worth to maintain for such occasions.

If div 4 is pretty epty it is possible, if it half full i am quite sure they would keep the fifth.