I'm not saying you are wrong, but what if shotblocking really was worth it? Suppose my 20 year old big man trainee
(19250926) got another pop in IS, making his three primaries a triple 14. If this were so, his salary is estimated around
If he had the same skills but instead of having triple 14 had quadruple 12's in IS, ID, Reb, and SB, his salary would be estimated around
Economically speaking this is a huge difference. That's around an extra 30k you could be saving a week! So if shotblocking really is more important than most think, and would actually be trained, then well, that would pretty much change everything about the game. You would no longer see those 300-400k monsters that get put up on the TL everyday. Instead the market would be filled with lower salary players that perform at a much higher level.