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free throws led to passing pop?

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From: strilfe

This Post:
206370.2 in reply to 206370.1
Date: 1/13/2012 9:35:35 AM
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There's something "new" caleld cross training, where you train 90% of what you chose and 10% of ANY random skill. That's how happened.
There's even a thread where users post their random pops.

You got a nice one, by the way.-

From: Ralph54

This Post:
206370.3 in reply to 206370.1
Date: 1/13/2012 6:33:38 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Cross training pop. %90 of training goes to the primary training, %10 percent random. If you have a 21 year old, you'll have a %7 chance of getting a cross training pop*.
*Using the Crowd Sourcing Project's Data.