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Transfer list (thread closed)

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21.2 in reply to 21.1
Date: 4/14/2007 1:03:20 PM
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same here

This Post:
21.3 in reply to 21.2
Date: 4/14/2007 1:26:02 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
The transfer list is completely and utterly broken.

We're working on it .. sorry for the inconvenience.

This Post:
21.4 in reply to 21.3
Date: 4/14/2007 1:32:48 PM
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there´s no need for you to say you´re sorry. *sing*

is there any transferhistorie or something?
i have 15 players now and i am quite sure i had 14 yesterday?

This Post:
21.5 in reply to 21.4
Date: 4/14/2007 1:47:53 PM
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There's only a personal transfer history for each player .. but I don't think that's actually linked anywhere :-/
The team transfers, like the team bids page is missing entirely.

While we doing internal testing, we only transferred around 5 players between us.
We hardly used the system, so we didn't realise that half this feature isn't actually there :-).

The transfer system should be properly usable next week.

Transfer list is broken ( paging through doesn't work )
Team transfer history is missing
Bids page is missing
Player's transfer history isn't accesable

If anyone notices something else that's missing or broken regarding transfers then post it here.

This Post:
21.6 in reply to 21.5
Date: 4/14/2007 2:07:55 PM
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it would be nice to have other and more criterias to look for players. like age or something.

This Post:
21.7 in reply to 21.6
Date: 4/14/2007 2:17:33 PM
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I am building the form to include age, maximum / minimum bid, best position.
Currently the options are very limited. I agree

This Post:
21.8 in reply to 21.6
Date: 4/16/2007 12:54:05 AM
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The transfer list should work now, and we have a bids page for keeping track.

The other items: Team transfers and individual transfers are going to take some time.

Oh .. and could some PLEASE sell a PF ? I really need another one.

Edited 4/16/2007 12:56:30 AM by BB-Oxidus

This Post:
21.9 in reply to 21.8
Date: 4/26/2007 11:44:08 PM
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Is there away the amount of younger players increase because it seems all the ones that are supposedly being released arent there and i have been looking its been the same players on the market all day

This Post:
21.10 in reply to 21.9
Date: 4/26/2007 11:50:18 PM
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I believe the announcement said they will be on the list in a week.

Yep, it did:
To compensate, we will be releasing young players onto the transfer list at a pace of three every eight hours, for a few weeks starting one week from today

Friends Do not Let Friends Play 2-3 Zone
This Post:
21.11 in reply to 21.8
Date: 5/7/2007 12:21:32 AM
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When I search for players of IE maximum age 19 then the first page shown works fine and the 10 players there is shown correctly. However when I press on the next link to show more players, then I get players of all ages included.
So it seems I'm either sent to the wrong page or my restriction of players aged 19 or less is somehow lost. :-)

This Post:
21.12 in reply to 21.11
Date: 5/7/2007 4:37:56 AM
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I think that's been noticed before. It should be fixed soon.
