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Player Specialties

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210044.2 in reply to 210044.1
Date: 2/12/2012 12:05:57 AM
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I think this is a good idea, ive seen a slightly modified version of this idea floated around before.

But essentially im all for it. It would be like how the staff have specialties.

I like all your options, except the 'clutch' option, cause i think thats covered by the existing Experience stat.

perhaps also add maybe a 'Leadership' specialty... player who can help all other players out when in tough situations...

Ball Hog should also be called 'Melo Factor'

In fact, maybe you could call all of them 'Nba Player Factor'
eg: Clutch - Jordan Factor
Hockey - AC Green Factor
Ball Hog - Melo Factor
Late Bloomer - etc etc

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210044.3 in reply to 210044.2
Date: 2/12/2012 1:23:53 PM
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I like the idea, and I also think that the clutch thing is a little different than the "Experience" one.
Bryant had been a better clutch player than most of any NBA players at a much younger age.

I will add another speciallity - "Show-off-er".
Meaning, a player that tens to create a lot of highlights, and by that tend to bring more audience to court.

Last edited by Pini פיני at 2/12/2012 1:24:48 PM

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210044.4 in reply to 210044.3
Date: 2/12/2012 8:01:58 PM
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I will add another speciallity - "Show-off-er".

That can be called the 'Blake Griffin effect. '

I like it, brings a non-game time benefit to the whole thing. Nice thinking.

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210044.5 in reply to 210044.4
Date: 2/13/2012 7:43:47 AM
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Glad to hear that... :+)

Anyhow, what do you think about the difference between Clutch and Experience. Do you agree with what I've wrote?

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210044.6 in reply to 210044.2
Date: 2/13/2012 8:09:51 AM
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it think such specialities should bring always an disadvantage with it, since it get introduced late and the previous player generation oviously don't have it. Like late bloomer training slower at the beginning, clutch player playing a bit worse in the first 3 quarters etc.

Something like ballhog you can get by mixing the skills, which is at least for me enough.

naming then after NBA players, is imho misunderstanding* and could cause trouble with the rights of the players. So i would forget about that.

* with hearing melo, i think on bad defense and clutchness first. with Aj Green i don't get a picture and jordan is also famous for lot more.

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210044.7 in reply to 210044.6
Date: 2/13/2012 9:08:27 AM
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Yer i think i was just getting a bit excited about relating it back to players, doesnt have to be like that.

and i think how it would get rolled out would have to be managed, because of as you said, all current players don't have it.

unless you did a blanket 'random generation' and what you end up with is what you get. not the best i know, but an idea.

PS: AC Green is the nba's consecutive games record holder. Played like 7 seasons or something ridiculous like that without missing a game.

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210044.8 in reply to 210044.7
Date: 2/13/2012 10:27:23 AM
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1) The name is not the point here.
It is just for having... a cool and familiar name... [and in addition, I guess BB cannot use it, w/o paying for that...]
I guess that this is not what we are really discussing here.

2) New players will have advantage [or disadvantage - for example choker?, and adding the cool name "Lebron"? :+)] ?
OK... What is the problem with that?
All can buy the new players... and all will draft them.

3) Another thing is whether this abilities should be hidden or not. I'm not sure whether I prefer them hidden or not.
I have a little favor for the hidden option.

Last edited by Pini פיני at 2/13/2012 10:28:45 AM

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210044.9 in reply to 210044.8
Date: 2/13/2012 10:32:49 AM
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1 and 2: it was meant to name the specialitys after players ;)

3: Is Lebron Michael really a cool or more decribing name, and would it then still be a hidden attribut when the player is called Benjamin " LeBron" Williams and every choker have the same name^^

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210044.10 in reply to 210044.9
Date: 2/13/2012 1:40:52 PM
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As said, I don't care about the naming...
I care about the feature.

The naming had been just for fooling around, of a sort...

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210044.12 in reply to 210044.11
Date: 2/13/2012 7:57:27 PM
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In terms of market and economy, I think it would be the same with staff and their specialties.

sometimes coaches will buy a staff member of a particular specialty, because it suits their need at the time. eg: PR Manager with Crowd invovlement if you have to play away games in the finals is a good example.

But to have that specialty all year round, sometimes it doesnt make sense. eg: Id rather have a higher level doctor, than a lower level with a specialty.
and the prices that you pay for those specialties/non-specialties is about right for staff. So it should be able to be implemented for players as well without too much of an impact of market prices.
I think if they made the skills hidden, it would defeat the purpose of the suggestion. But the benefits of the specialties would have to be made such that it did not influence the market too much - otherwise, as you said, people would just go out and buy all players of one specialty.

Thats why i like the staff specialties, because they are all applicable in various scenarios of the game, and as such, one type of specialty is never not used at some point by someone.

The specialties that have been suggested as well, are not always game-time enhancements, and as such would be hard to measure... I think it would be nice that if you could see what the specialty was, then at least you know for sure that that benefit is coming from that player, in some form or another.
having it hidden means your always guessing where the benefit comes from.
I dont mind having things in the game which are not easy to work out and require research and investigation, but to always be guessing i think is a flaw.