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We are all Greeks (thread closed)

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From: Pewu

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210865.2 in reply to 210865.1
Date: 2/18/2012 4:02:24 PM
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Do you care also about Japanese which suffer due to Tsunami? If not, so why do you care about people which deserve it? The only reason why we speak about it, it's an impact on other countries from EU.

From: Maupster

To: Pewu
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210865.3 in reply to 210865.2
Date: 2/18/2012 4:08:12 PM
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Uhmm, Greek people deserve this? Its the goverment you can blame, not the first regular greek guy with a family or business..

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From: JohnnyB

To: Pewu
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210865.4 in reply to 210865.2
Date: 2/18/2012 4:15:36 PM
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I can make you sure that the Greeks supported everyone (according our strength) that was on in need. The best example that i can give you is the earthquake in Turkey some years ago (an ancient enemy to the Greeks) how much Greeks tried to help. I am sure that the older Turk managers can back up my statement.

As far as about what we are talking, its not about Greeks, its about humans that they flags here...

From: Pewu

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210865.5 in reply to 210865.4
Date: 2/18/2012 5:06:41 PM
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Greeks are well-known from not paying taxes. Goverment has biggest budget deficit, which was in some way continuation from not paying taxes (less money in budget), however they still spend too much they could afford (about 15% deficit). They emit high interest bonds, which should cover their debt in short period. They just lost their financial liquidity.

@ Maupster - the goverment is selected by people. Goverment represent's them. It's called democracy. If I know well and I'm sure about it Greece has such a political system.

From: JohnnyB

To: Pewu
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210865.6 in reply to 210865.5
Date: 2/18/2012 5:20:51 PM
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How can you call what we have in Greece ''democracy''? has our prime minister elected by the people?

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210865.8 in reply to 210865.7
Date: 2/18/2012 5:38:40 PM
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Thats exactly what i am saying man...Greece is just the beginning...

Last edited by JohnnyB at 2/18/2012 5:39:36 PM

From: Saltori

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210865.9 in reply to 210865.8
Date: 2/18/2012 8:34:44 PM
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He cares for his money, not for the country! I think the people of Cyprus hate the people of Greece.

From: thanos

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210865.10 in reply to 210865.9
Date: 2/18/2012 8:42:26 PM
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He cares for his money, not for the country! I think the people of Cyprus hate the people of Greece.

Come on, be serious....If you have no idea about Greece and this issue, just don't participate in this thread.

This Post:
210865.11 in reply to 210865.10
Date: 2/19/2012 4:31:56 AM
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If there is a serious attempt to not have a political discussion here, I think we can keep this open. I don't know if that is possible with this topic, let's see. It however must be possible to refrain from nationalistic and racist attacks to keep this thread going.

This Post:
210865.12 in reply to 210865.11
Date: 2/19/2012 8:26:07 AM
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This thread should be closed. When we speak about economy (Greece) there is always reference to politics. It's connected with themselves. It's not natural disaster when we can really symphatize to such as: Haiti (do you still remember?), Philipinnes, Japan and other countries. I do not enjoy such debate, because there is always a bad guy in such conversation, however he tell the truth and I think I'm that person.
