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The Official Rules of the Junior National Team Elections
Users may register for only one election, but they may register in any country, including those not their own.
The winner of the election will be decided by the votes of other BuzzerBeater users. Users can only vote for coaches for their own national team.
In the forums, there is expected to be substantial debate about the candidates for an election. Prior to the second round, there will be only two election threads allowed in a forum. One thread will contain only the speeches of candidates; and the other will be allowed for open debate. Discussion outside of the designated forums is prohibited. Candidates who canvas for votes by bb-mail or in other forums will be disqualified.
At 6am CET three days before the end of the election, the election pool will be reduced to a second round containing the top five candidates, plus ties, plus those with at least 5% of the total number of votes. No new registrations will be allowed after this time.
After this time, every candidate remaining will be allowed to make one and only one thread for their campaign.
GMs are allowed to run in an election. BBs are not. You may not be the coach of both a national team and a U21 national team at the same time. GMs are not allowed to moderate in threads relevant to an election in which they are running.
The winner of a National Team Manager election is elected for a two season term. The first season will consist of continental competitions, and the second, for intercontinental games.
Throughout the manager’s term, the Manager Popularity it tracked from the National Team’s home page. We are considering the possibility of allowing communities to remove overly unpopular managers for the benefit of the National Team and the community as a whole.
These rules may seem a bit harsh, but they're intended to make the elections run smoothly and make sure things don't get out of hand. Failure to comply with these rules may result in your removal from the election, in-game fines or penalties, or, in severe cases, being banned from the site. Please try to keep the elections and debate respectable and fair to all users in the spirit of the BuzzerBeater game and community.
4/27: Any questions
Uradna pravila Junior nacionalne ekipe volitevUporabniki lahko register za samo en volitvah, vendar jih lahko registrira v državi, vključno s teh ne lastno.Zmagovalec volitev bo določil glasovi drugih BuzzerBeater uporabniki. Uporabniki lahko glasuje samo za trenerji za lastne nacionalne ekipe.V forumih, tam se pričakuje, da bo znaten razprava o kandidati za volitve. Pred drugim krogom, bo samo dve volitvah niti, ki je dovoljena v forum. Eno nit bo vseboval samo govori kandidatov; in drugi bo treba dovoliti za odprto razpravo. Diskusija zunaj imenovanega forumih je prepovedano. Kandidati, ki platno glasov bb-pošti ali v drugih forumih, bodo izločeni.Na 6 am CET tri dni pred koncem volitve, volitve pool se zniža na drugem krogu vsebujejo top pet kandidatov, plus vezi, plus tiste z vsaj 5 % skupnega števila