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[Forum - Pool] Reading BB-Cyprus

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From: JohnnyB
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221804.2 in reply to 221804.1
Date: 7/14/2012 10:31:54 AM
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Only 3??????How sad...

This Post:
221804.3 in reply to 221804.1
Date: 7/14/2012 11:57:26 AM
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Ok people here is what I believe. I have been away for a bit due to work pressure, lots of night shifts, but I have realized that we are not doing that well this season both in respect to forums but also in the NT matches. It is obvious that our team needs reformation, I agree with that, but that is not the only thing it needs. Our team has become monodimensional, we only play either motion or R&G. As for the NT players we need to pressure the managers even more for training. The more the better. If they cant train or do not train according to planning then pressure them to sell the player. I am sure the NT coach already does that but we need more pressure. Players that do not train kick them out of the NT. Force them to train.

As for the forum, in the old days it was just 3 people. Johnny, Ekleptismenoi and Pistoleroi so I am not surprised that since those 3 have decided to spent less time with the game noone else bothers.

Anyway it good to have you back Steve! Good luck with the U21. I decided to buy a player (25457729) and start trainning him week after week. I dont intend to make him a PG,SG but more like a SF. Hopefully I will make it happen.

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221804.4 in reply to 221804.3
Date: 7/14/2012 5:32:57 PM
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Glad to see/read you again :-)

I appreciate your "good luck" and your intention buying Varelopoulos. I think, anyway, it will be impossible train him as SF for u21 team.. may be at 25 he can be good for first team. Too low IS, RB and ID.. but he can be a good SG :-)

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221804.5 in reply to 221804.4
Date: 7/15/2012 12:32:03 AM
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It is tru that he is weak inside and that he will need a lot of work. Most likely he will not be ready for U21. I assume him to be ready at the age of 26 hopefully. The season that comes he will be trained IS, ID. Hopefully he will pop in Rebound and OD. We shall see how fast he can develop in a one position training cause he is not very tall.

This Post:
221804.6 in reply to 221804.5
Date: 7/16/2012 5:04:49 PM
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Review of our NT match against Bosna.

1. We decided to play with more enthousiasm than the other team. I do not entirely agrree with this decision since Bosna is a much more complete team than ours as well as much stronger. Nevertheless I can understand the attempt to make the miracle.
2. The tactical decision was Low Post, which I would agree, thying to get the opposite defense unprepeared and unready. Nevertheless in such an attempt my opinion is to use PG,SG players with good passing, handling, driving and furthermore good IS (respectable and higher) so as to achieve a better result, since usually the opponents guards have a relativly low ID. If the guards have a good RB then even better. I am not sure if Kakarnakis and Gkavo are capable of inside game, due to low IS, RB.I assume the end result would be the same but if it was a game against an egual team, then this would make the difference in winning and losing. Even with those guards we used we managed to achieve a few fouls from the opponents guards. Imagine if our players had IS more than respectable (7). If you see the opponents SG previous games you will realise that in OD he is a monster but in ID he is good but not super. Use that as an advantage. Same goes for the PG.
3. Although we played low post I would prefer Look Inside giving a bit of more versability to our team.
4. It is very important to use players with high gameshape, something we have not been doing this season. It is not just the player with the best stats, its in what form he is in. We need to change that mentality. Avoid using players with gameshape less than strong, unless you absolutely have to. Prefer to use similar or slightly less capable players (with one or maximum two less skills) with more gameshape.
5. We used Stiliaras as PF and Kaliasis as Center. Not sure if that is correct based on their skills. Perhaps it would be wiser to use them the other way round. Center=stiliaras and someone else and PF=kaliasis and smeros.
6. All these are little details that make the difference. I see that our NT is falling even lower in the global rating which is something that makes me sad. We need better planning and more effort to reach the ranking 65 to 70 where we used to be.

I could be talking for hours analysing the game step by step but I would rather not spend your time or mine :)

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221804.7 in reply to 221804.6
Date: 8/19/2012 3:37:42 PM
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Today we crown a new champion, Pistoleroi!!! After a lot of work out and excellent tactics we managed to win the champioship against a mighty opponent in its home court. Let this be the start for the future, for all the new comers and all the upgrading teams of CBBA, that if you work hard and with a good solid tactical plan, everything is possible!!! Good luck to everyone in the new season!!!

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221804.8 in reply to 221804.7
Date: 8/19/2012 3:59:58 PM
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Congratulations man! Great achievement... now draft a good 18 years old legend and train him for U21 team ahahahah :-) I'm joking, good job! Good luck for B3!

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221804.9 in reply to 221804.7
Date: 8/19/2012 8:08:45 PM
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Congrats man, its an amazing moment for you. Thats the good news. The bad news is that i am coming back again :P

This Post:
221804.10 in reply to 221804.9
Date: 8/20/2012 8:48:34 AM
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Thanks guys. Steve I have saved 17 points for the draft. Going to increase them and spend them next season to get a good trainee for the U21 and train him hard. Thats the plan. Gianni with the money you recieved from selling your players a few seasons ago you can buy super players now at much cheaper price. So I assume you will come as a favourite. Lets see