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Australia - III.15 > Hello league

Hello league

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225893.2 in reply to 225893.1
Date: 8/29/2012 5:31:38 AM
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Read this:

Don't spend all your money on players. Build your arena, buy a few young guys and train them with an end goal/training plan. The game takes a long time to play. Good luck.

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225893.3 in reply to 225893.1
Date: 8/29/2012 10:05:49 AM
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Do everything that lordy says.
except dun worry about the training for the moment. ull get the hang of that after about ooooooooooo. 10 seasons. haha.

yer dont go splurging on the transfer market. buy a couple of $10k - $20k salaried guys, who are older 28+ (because that way u wont pay through the nose for young guys who are more expensive)
but thats it. only 2 guys of that salary. ur going to need to save the rest of ur cash to build up ur arena. sell ur best trainee on ur roster because he is worth the most money now! lets face it, unless u know how to train players really well, u will just waste the training.
only train one position (ask someone if u dun know what this means).

aim to avoid relegation.
yer just read lots of forums n stuff.
bb-mail Team Lordy for advice :)

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225893.4 in reply to 225893.3
Date: 8/30/2012 3:16:28 AM
the demolition crew
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thankyou both for the advice,I'll try to resist the temptation to shop up on players immediately and spend my money on the facilities,and my time reading up on the forums.