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Outside Isolation

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240637.2 in reply to 240637.1
Date: 4/16/2013 3:37:34 PM
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Does Outside Isolation work well? And if so, should I run it or use Motion. I have one star shooting guard with great Jump Shot, Jump Range and Handling ratings, and everyone else on my team is okay. My backup shooting guard has respectable Jump Shot and Jump Range, which is the best outside shooting for anyone else.

Unless he's also got a high driving (and possibly good inside shot) it sounds more like a setup for a patient than outside isolation. The isolation tactics work by getting the ball to the "best" player and then everyone gets out of the way - so if he can't drive (or finish layups), he'll either take a lot of bad shots or have to pass the ball to someone else to jack up a bad shot. In theory, at least. ;)

Patient basically looks for your best outside shooting matchup and gets the ball to that player. In this case, it's probably the same, but instead of trying as many drives, he'll shoot more jumpers and threes, which would probably fit your skill-set better, and he'd be less likely to pass to the other guys to shoot lower-percentage outside shots.

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240637.3 in reply to 240637.2
Date: 4/16/2013 6:03:35 PM
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Okay, I'll go with patient then. Thanks. (Although he has prominent driving, his inside shot is pitiful.)

Last edited by #ThugLife at 4/16/2013 6:04:58 PM