A couple people have suggested this as well. My opinion though is that buzzerbeater shouldn't have to be a game that you need to log into every single day three times a day. Many people have a lot going on outside of this game and if we add that many games, those managers will begin to fall off simply due to time constraints. This is generally the weekly game schedule:
Tuesday: League game
Thursday: Cup game/scrimmage
Saturday: League game
By buying supporter you are then given an extra game per week with the PL and if you get involved with the U21 NT or the NT then that is another game on another day that you could enjoy and participate with. Then you are looking at this:
Monday: NT games
Tuesday: League games
Thursday: Cup game/scrimmage
Friday: PL game
Saturday: League game
That is 5 games per week which is a lot in my opinion. That leaves Wednesday and Sunday without games, but at the same time, I think a game of some kind every single game would get a bit hectic and stressful. More games would also cause game shape and training to have to change and it would make things a bit harder.
The one thing I might go along with is making it possible to play in a PL that plays both on Wednesday and Friday, but that's about as far as I would go in adding more games.
Murray/Harris/MPJ/Grant/Jokic - 2020 NBA Champs