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Bugs, bugs, bugs > Walkover minutes

Walkover minutes

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From: Chekreyes

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279495.2 in reply to 279495.1
Date: 5/25/2016 11:44:34 AM
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Yeah it's not a bug. Players get a max of 36 minutes in walkovers even when they don't have backups.

From: Melo9

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279495.3 in reply to 279495.2
Date: 5/25/2016 11:51:25 AM
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Why was it built like that then? whats the reason for that lol. If people doesn't get any substitute its because they know/want that he gets 48 minutes.

If this is not a bug please move this to suggestions maybe. I suggest that you make possible to get 48mins on walkovers. People don't need to get their training ruined that week because of other teams walkovers :S

From: ig

This Post:
279495.4 in reply to 279495.3
Date: 5/27/2016 6:37:10 AM
Jerusalem TET
Ligat Ha'al
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Jerusalem TET Utopia
If you put the player as a starter, sub and a benchman at a certain position, he'll get 43 minutes and not 36.

The point is that if 48 min/walkover is allowed, teams will guarantee 48 mins by dealing a WO against a team that does not care of training. On the other hand, teams that actually play a scrimmage will risk not to complete this quota by fouling out, being tired or if not lucky, getting injured. So from the perspective of the developers, I see they tried to make a ballance between those 2 issues, and I think 43 guaranteed minutes without any risk are quite within the ballance of 48 minutes having such a one. Maybe 44 or 45 is even better choice, but it's really not a big deal.

From: Melo9

To: ig
This Post:
279495.5 in reply to 279495.4
Date: 5/27/2016 7:24:19 AM
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Hmm, I understand your point of view. But I think coaches don't go look for good or bad scrimmages. At least me, I always invite people that is suggested by BB and wait that somebody accepts.

And I don't even go look the team that accepted my invite lol, I just set my lineup according to minutes needed for the week and thats it. Walkovers are not my fault, but some other user, that accepted the invite and then didnt even set lineup (wich is dumb). I don't think we should get prejudicated by that at all :S

From: ig

This Post:
279495.6 in reply to 279495.5
Date: 5/27/2016 11:54:02 AM
Jerusalem TET
Ligat Ha'al
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Jerusalem TET Utopia
Again, each time you set up your trainees for a scrimmage you take a risk of not complteing their game for various reasons. Giving a player full 48 minutes after a WO simply means that there is a way to avoid such a risk and puts those who play a normal scrimmage in an inferior position to those who arrange themselves a WO or even occasionaly get it. So I prefer to see a WO minutes cut as another reason for not completing the full game.

IMO, It should be either current situation or guaranteed 48 minutes in both scrimmage and WO. The second option makes the game easier, which I guess the developers try to avoid.

Last edited by ig at 5/27/2016 11:54:16 AM

From: Melo9

To: ig
This Post:
279495.7 in reply to 279495.6
Date: 5/27/2016 12:11:20 PM
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Ok, I understand your point...but then again, as you said earlier...36 mins less than avg minutes I can get from a normal scimmage when I try to get my trainee with 48 mins.
Actually I would say that on avg my trainees that I want to get 48 mins get about 45 mins lol...they just miss some minutes from time to time due to foul outs and things...

From: ig

This Post:
279495.8 in reply to 279495.7
Date: 5/27/2016 2:08:05 PM
Jerusalem TET
Ligat Ha'al
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Jerusalem TET Utopia
It's 43, not 36. Just set him as a starter, sub and benchman ;)

From: BB-Marin

This Post:
279495.9 in reply to 279495.7
Date: 6/4/2016 7:47:07 AM
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What he said. Also, we do not officially support 48 min per game training, the game was just never designed to allow you to get it on every day basis.

From: Melo9

This Post:
279495.10 in reply to 279495.9
Date: 6/4/2016 7:51:19 AM
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Thanks Marin, I already had that on my mind and learned the strategy of getting himself as his own reserve ;)