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Suggestions > Training Minutes Messed Up By Garbage Time

Training Minutes Messed Up By Garbage Time

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288467.2 in reply to 288467.1
Date: 7/11/2017 9:42:29 PM
Caerbannog Bunnies
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Dear Buzzerbeater,

The game that drove me over the edge just ended and the player in question got a measly 35 out of 48 possible minutes of playing time towards training. He sat out the entire 4th Quarter. This is completely, utterly, and incomprehensibly unacceptable. YOU MUST FIX THIS NOW!!!

From: SThoma33

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288467.4 in reply to 288467.3
Date: 7/12/2017 1:31:15 AM
Caerbannog Bunnies
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I did not intend to win the game by 100 points. I was playing Take It Easy. Also, the player in question is listed as a SG and was playing C. The other player that I set to play a full 48 minutes was a PG playing as a PF and he did get his 48 minutes. So basically, it subbed out one of my guys, but not the other. If it is a guaranteed way to get my trainer subbed, then why was the other guy not subbed out as well?

This Post:
288467.6 in reply to 288467.1
Date: 7/12/2017 12:07:11 PM
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I don't have access to the lineup you set, but I can see that you had Garrison and De Ketelaere both playing 48 minutes and are saying Elliot should have as well. Assuming those three were set to starter, backup and reserve, that leaves 5 players for the other two positions, which means that the two starters at those positions would have been subbed out with the primary backup coming in at garbage time, and then the 8th player you dressed would pick one of the three full-time starters to sit. Garbage time means that any player that is on the bench will replace any starter he possibly can; to maximize the chances of 48 minutes for players, you have to ensure that there is nobody left to replace them by making sure that you only have enough players dressed for one backup at each of the non-48 minute positions.

It might be that you hadn't intended Garrison to play the whole game and forgot to set Aliverti as his backup, since it looks like he normally plays at the C or PF position most weeks, but the previous game you played him as backup SG. You can check to see what your lineup was set to for a little while longer now by choosing to set a future lineup to the one from this game, although that drops off after I think five games.

This Post:
288467.7 in reply to 288467.6
Date: 7/12/2017 3:17:34 PM
Caerbannog Bunnies
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The point I was making in my original post is that, players who are supposed to play a full 48 minutes get subbed out when garbage time hits if a player not scheduled to play the entire game is taking free throws, leading to a backup or reserve player from the bench subbing in for a player that should never be subbed out in the first place, due to being scheduled as the starter, backup, and reserve for a single position. The free throw shooter, who should be subbed out, stays in until another stop in play, thus resulting in players that should get 48 minutes only getting 44 or 45 minutes. It is very hard to schedule a player to pick up these extra 3 or 4 minutes of crucial training time, without sacrificing additional time from another player later in the week.

The game last night reminded me of that. This is a trend, not a single game aberration. There has to be a way to set the algorithm so that, if garbage time hits, players on the bench will not sub in for a player scheduled to play at one position the entire game. Instead, they should wait for the next stoppage of play and sub in for the playing who did not get subbed out due to shooting free throws at the time.

I understand that I am human and I can make mistakes, which leads to improper training minutes. I put this in the bugs forum because of the training minutes problem created by garbage time coinciding with a player shooting free throws, which causes a player in training to be benched for a few minutes, thus limiting their ability to get their full training minutes allotment. If I mess up, then I understand. If the game forces my player to sit because of a glitch in the game, then I expect the people in charge to work to rectify the situation. I am merely trying to improve the game by calling to your attention a noticed shortcoming.

From: SThoma33

This Post:
288467.9 in reply to 288467.8
Date: 7/12/2017 4:22:50 PM
Caerbannog Bunnies
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The game has a glitch which disrupts training minutes and frustrates players.
The game is designed to disrupt training minutes and frustrate players.

If I can break down your post(s), what you are saying is that one of those above statements is true.

This Post:
288467.10 in reply to 288467.1
Date: 7/12/2017 4:25:30 PM
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Dear Buzzerbeater,

It really pisses me off when I set my lineup perfectly for training

Someone's probably mentioned this already, but if you only have five active players for the game, they won't get subbed out unless they foul out or get injured.
Also, 1 or 2 minutes less than 48 minutes training isn't the end of the world. They still get 90%+ of their training for that week.

This Post:
288467.12 in reply to 288467.10
Date: 7/12/2017 8:18:01 PM
Caerbannog Bunnies
Overall Posts Rated:
It is not the end of the world, but it does add up. The training pop that I do not get one week forces me to add another week of the same training later down the line, instead of another type of training that a player needs. Therefore that small annoyance now adds up to a big frustration later.
