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BB România > U21 Sezon 42

U21 Sezon 42 (thread closed)

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293957.2 in reply to 293957.1
Date: 4/23/2018 3:09:03 PM
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The Romanian coach before the game

Last edited by Utios (ITA U21 Scout) at 4/23/2018 3:10:45 PM

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293957.5 in reply to 293957.3
Date: 4/23/2018 4:00:13 PM
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Of course it's just a joke, but maybe you deserved it for a non-sense mots at the first game... If you had a chance in the round, now you haven't anymore (and probably even winning the result would have been the same)

From: CMN90

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293957.7 in reply to 293957.6
Date: 4/23/2018 4:26:27 PM
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S-au cacat pe ei ,ca erau sa piarda si acum fac pe desteptii toti ,de parca noi trebuia sa ne o luam asa ca ei is italieni si noi trebuie sa ne aplecam in fata lor.Daca vrem sa ne calificam trebuia sa batem echipa aceasta ,si cand sa bati o echipa buna daca nu la inceput cand entuziasmul e la cote egale.Mai spre finalul campaniei ne rupeau.Cu 4 min inainte de final ii conduceam ,dar jocul nu e corect tot timpul.Cu 2 infrangeri nu ne calificam,de aceea am fortat.

Eu am incercat sa castig acest meci pt ca urmeaza ungaria in al 3 lea meci care e cel putin la fel de buna ,daca nu mai buna decat italia.Eu am mizat ca ungaria o sa bata italia.
Nu cred ca am luat o decizie proasta.Am vrut sa castig acest meci nu doar sa pierd la o diferenta micaPt calificare era esential.Ne-au batut pt ca au avut jucatori cu forme mai bune si mi-au ghicit atacul care nu era foarte greu de ghicit.
Stiam ca o sa joace cu entuziasm redus si de aceea am fortat.Nu e nici pe departe nonsens cum zic ei.

From: CMN90
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293957.8 in reply to 293957.5
Date: 4/23/2018 4:36:56 PM
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Ur blaming me for trying to beat your team.With 2 loses we didn;t have chances to go further so i had to push this match, period. .I wasn;t far away from beating Italy The 11 points is a lie,we were in front with 4 minutes left .I played my chance.PROBABLY Hungary will beat our team so it 's not nonsesne what i's nonsense what are you doeing right now criticizing other coaches decisions.

Other scouts from you lovely country bb mailing me and cursing?That;s nonsense bro.

From: CMN90

This Post:
293957.10 in reply to 293957.9
Date: 4/23/2018 5:09:31 PM
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Look i didn' took it personal.I gave an argument for what i did that 's all.I played my chance.
Trust me with a win for my team and a lose for yours ,the things would be more interesting.I don;t think i condemned my team to future loses just because i uses ct at the begining.Only the next matches will tell.

I;m sorry but in real life i;m not lost like Homer at all.I don;t give much importance to your jokes ,but it;s not cool to enter on others nations forum and post about stranger coaches and their decisions.

And about jj gillo (u21 scout) those are his words.

> Are you fucking serious? Match of the season on the first game you play?
> Not only you are penalising us, and favouring the next teams that will confront your now useless team... You are also condemning your team to lose also the upcoming (and easily winnable) matches!
> I think you should step back and leave the Romenian JNT guide to a better coach. You simply aren't worth it.

Sincerely i don;t give a damn about penalising italy.We all play our chances.He blamed me for penalasing your team ,and favouring the other team.

I think he is a much better coach than me ,seriously.....
