From my experience one on one for guards is a better option to train big guys from one on one forwards.
Apart from the rest which is also questionable, but I will address later, this is seriously bugging me. Why would you want more JS on a big man? Check what it does to salary and cap: you would be paying good money in salary for the privilege of having less cap room for more useful skills!
Also JS will have a good elastic effect later on IS skill.So definitely its a better choice for taller players.
That happens because JS has an elastic effect on IS, but not vice-versa. So if you look at the total amount of skills it will always be true that 1v1 guards will give more TSP,
irrespective of height, but the difference is lower for tall players as the height effect on IS and JS secondary training offsets part of the one way elastics. Of course, you will not get more IS training through elastics than you would from direct secondary training.
From coachParrot:
6'2'' player 1v1 guards then IS...'2'' player 1v1 forwards then IS...'10'' player 1v1 guards then IS...'10'' player 1v1 forwards then IS... IS is more valuable than JS at any position and since JS costs money and eats in the cap, it's actually better to use 1v1 forwards unless the player is very short, you are trying to build a high JS/JR player or you have a HoF potential and you are looking to hit the highest possible TSP (irrespective of the value of skills).
To explain what I mean regarding the impact on cap and salary, consider the following example:
- This player with 12 JS has 167k estimated salary and can likely still be trained at full speed in primaries:
- The same player with 15 JS is pretty much capped and has 209k estimated salary: At PF or C, would you take this player over This is the trade-off.
Last edited by Lemonshine at 11/27/2019 8:39:11 AM