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Suggestions > Free Agents vs. Payer Market

Free Agents vs. Payer Market

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From: Prathis

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305863.2 in reply to 305863.1
Date: 9/7/2020 1:43:40 PM
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So as you will see below in the chat area there are 16 "Player Categories", 20 "Skill Levels" and 12 "Potential" options. I did not create an age option as I don't have a lot of time to do that right now, but you could create a chart for age too.

So let's say I am a new player. I have a lot of players that aren't very good and I want to go out and grab someone out of the "Free Agency" area that will be my franchise player, someone I can gradually build around over time.

Let's say that I want to start with a Hall of Fame potential player, that has every stat for "player categories" at a "respectful" level as its starting point. Then I could just use my trainer after that to gradually build him up over time like we normally do now.

So the building of the player would figure out like so:

Start with the $90,000 for the hall of famer designation, add in $7000 for each of the 16 "player catagories" which would total $112,000 for the player categories. So this players purchase price would total $202,000 to purchase outright. (Keep in mind this doesn't include the money for the persons age.)(There could also be an alert that shows you a similar player on the player market that might be a better deal.)

Now if I as a new player wanted to have a couple of guys to build around instead of just one, maybe I take a more balanced approach. So let's say I build two identical players, each with the potential of an "allstar" and the "player categories" are instead "average" level.

So for an allstar you start with the base of $50,000 and add in $6000 for each of the 16 player categories which would total $96,000. So the total cost for each player would be $146,000 each.

Let's say you are a player in one of the upper leagues and you have a main player go down with an injury and need to quickly find a replacement to fill in for that player. For this player let's say you aren't worried about keeping the player for a long time so you are fine with a potential of "role player" and need someone with at least "proficient in all the player categories.

So only $10,000 for the role player designation and then $9000 for each of the player categories. So the player would cost you $154,000 and you would quickly grab someone that could fill in for the injured player.

Now there would be other considerations we would have to take into account as well, things like the player's salary and that salary working into your team's budget, but you get the idea. I hope all of this makes sense, I just wanted to throw something together quickly to get others thoughts.

Player Categories
1. Jump Shot
2. Jump Range
3. Outside Def
4. Handling
5. Driving
6. Passing
7. Inside Shot
8. Inside Def
9. Rebounding
10. Shot Blocking
11. Stamina
12. Free Throw
13. Experience
14. Age
15. Potential
16. Game Shape

Skill Levels
1. atrocious: $1000
2. pitiful: $2000
3. awful: $3000
4. inept: $4000
5. mediocre : $5000
6. average: $6000
7. respectable: $7000
8. strong: $8000
9. proficient: $9000
10. prominent: $10,000
11. prolific: $11,000
12. sensational: $12,000
13. tremendous: $13,000
14. wondrous: $14,000
15. marvelous: $15,000
16. prodigious: $16,000
17. stupendous: $17,000
18. phenomenal: $18,000
19. colossal: $19,000
20. legendary: $20,000

1. announcer:$1,000
2. bench warmer: $5000
3. role player: $10,000
4. 6th man: $20,000
5. starter: $30,000
6. star: $40,000
7. allstar: $50,000
8. perennial allstar: $60,000
9. superstar: $70,000
10. MVP: $80,000
11. hall of famer: $90,000
12. all-time great: $100,000

From: Prathis

This Post:
305863.4 in reply to 305863.3
Date: 9/7/2020 1:59:09 PM
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That's not true, people still snipe at the last moment. Bidding wars happen all the time.

From: Prathis

This Post:
305863.6 in reply to 305863.5
Date: 9/7/2020 2:23:07 PM
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I understand how auctions work and the goal. That is not the point of my post.

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305863.10 in reply to 305863.2
Date: 9/7/2020 4:57:32 PM
Le Cotiche
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sorry, this "create your dream player" idea would be terrible
tankers are already a problem, but at least now they have to find their players on the market and give their money to other managers

i agree buying on the market is frustrating, mostly because the market is dead, but there's a reason it was implemented like this

Last edited by mark_lenders at 9/7/2020 4:59:05 PM

This Post:
305863.11 in reply to 305863.10
Date: 9/7/2020 5:19:10 PM
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Thank you for the replay and explaining why you think its bad. Feedback is appreciated. Is the tanking thing something that happens in the upper divisions? I haven't run across that really.
