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JR vs IS

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311485.2 in reply to 311485.1
Date: 8/28/2021 11:55:24 AM
Johns Creek Wave
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Holly Springs Haggis
It's basic math

If you hit 40% of 3 pt shots, an inside player would have to hit 60% of his shots to match his output.

There's 1 guy in my league hitting 60% of his shots

There are at least 20 hitting 40% of their 3pt shots

That doesn't take into account for FT, because more fouls are called on inside shots. But still, the discrepancy is glaring.

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311485.3 in reply to 311485.1
Date: 8/28/2021 12:16:48 PM
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Do you mean...

to have a perimeter players with high IS AND play inside tactic
to have low IS and high JR AND play outside tactic?

or playing the same tactic?
then, inside or outside?

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311485.4 in reply to 311485.3
Date: 8/28/2021 1:48:16 PM
Team Nook
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Team Nook Yellow
I just mean in general, who would be the more effective and efficient player.

So if they both played a base offence tactic, would the 20 IS/12 JR player or 16 IS/16 JR player be better?

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311485.5 in reply to 311485.4
Date: 8/28/2021 2:33:19 PM
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If the game is well designed shouldn't be a "more efficient player" in all situations and tactics.

In the case you say, the perimeter player, even playing an inside oriented tactic, will take more outside shots than inside shots. And he doesn't need the 20 IS to make most of the inside shots against perimeter defenders. So I would take the extra JR if I can pay it.

The difference with the recent change in the game engine is that, before the change, some teams "tanked" the outside shots. You could see teams winning the game with a 0% or 10% in 3pt shots because they relied only on the inside shots to win the games. So they didn't need the JR at all. Now with percentages in inside shots going down, I guess you need a more diversified offense.