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BB Bulgaria > U21 National Team Debate Thread

U21 National Team Debate Thread (thread closed)

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322919.2 in reply to 322919.1
Date: 3/8/2024 10:31:41 AM
Kirkwood Hawks
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Ozark Outlaws
Hi Bulgaria’s community !

I’m Thebigm, manager of an USA team since season 56. With this team, I have reached D2 twice and have over a 75% win rate in all competitions. I have also been able to train players into well rounded over 100k salary players.

But before this team, I was the manager of an other team during approximately 12 seasons.

So I’m not a rookie on this game.

I’m very interested in taking the lead of your U21 team for the next two seasons.

I think Bulgaria has good ambitions. With over 100 active teams, it’s a very good base to develop a strong U21 team.

Your place in the rankings isn’t the place where Bulgaria has to be ! Let’s climb the ladder !

If you choose me, I’ll try to do my best to make you proud of your team. I’ll communicate with every manager which have a player or a potential player for the team.

And I already have 2 long time managers who have agreed to help with scouting and training players to be the best they can be! Bulgaria, you will have an experienced team working on every aspect of your U21 team!

I will do nothing alone, it’s only with you we can build a great team!

Здравейте общност на България!

Аз съм Thebigm, мениджър на отбор от САЩ от сезон 56. С този отбор достигнах D2 два пъти и имам над 75% победа във всички състезания. Също така успях да обуча играчи на добре закръглени играчи с над 100 хиляди заплати.

Но преди този отбор бях мениджър на друг отбор в продължение на приблизително 12 сезона.

Така че не съм новобранец в тази игра.

Много се интересувам да поема ръководството на вашия U21 отбор през следващите два сезона.

Мисля, че България има добри амбиции. С над 100 активни отбора, това е много добра база за развитие на силен U21 отбор.

Вашето място в класацията не е мястото, където трябва да бъде България! Да се изкачим по стълбата!

Ако изберете мен, ще се опитам да дам всичко от себе си, за да се гордеете с екипа си. Ще комуникирам с всеки мениджър, който има играч или потенциален играч за отбора.

И вече имам 2-ма дългогодишни мениджъри, които се съгласиха да помогнат в разузнаването и обучението на играчи, за да бъдат възможно най-добрите! България, вие ще имате опитен екип, работещ по всеки аспект от вашия U21 отбор!

Няма да направя нищо сам, само с вас можем да изградим страхотен екип!

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322919.3 in reply to 322919.2
Date: 3/8/2024 12:26:21 PM
B.C. Ambidexter
Overall Posts Rated:
I think it will be hard for you to win since we have a Bulgarian candidate but anyway - good luck, candidate BigM :)

This Post:
322919.4 in reply to 322919.3
Date: 3/10/2024 10:57:02 AM
Kirkwood Hawks
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Ozark Outlaws
Thank you for the well wishes. I understand that you may prefer a Bulgarian manager but this election could be very important for your country's future. I have already begun researching your young, high potential players and there are alot of them. Developing a good training plan would be huge. I have a utopia team and have another manager who is willing to use his utopia team to help train your players. All’s I ask is that you consider the options before voting. Have a great day 🙂

My scouting has shown that:

There are 36, 19 year olds with 9 or 10 potential
There are 16, 18 year olds with 9 or 10 potential

Благодаря за пожеланията. Разбирам, че може да предпочетете български мениджър, но този избор може да бъде много важен за бъдещето на вашата страна. Вече започнах да проучвам вашите млади играчи с висок потенциал и има много от тях. Разработването на добър план за обучение би било огромно. Имам утопичен отбор и имам друг мениджър, който е готов да използва своя утопичен отбор, за да помогне в обучението на нашите играчи. Всичко, което моля, е да обмислите опциите, преди да гласувате. Приятен ден 🙂

Моето разузнаване показа, че:

Има 36, 19 годишни с 9 или 10 потенциал
Има 16, 18 годишни с 9 или 10 потенциал

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322919.6 in reply to 322919.4
Date: 3/11/2024 7:18:33 AM
B.C. Ambidexter
Overall Posts Rated:
BigM, I don't know if I prefer Bulgarian manager or not. When I joined BB, u21 coach was a french guy - slamdunk9 who now won the u21 trophy with France :) And he helped me and explained a lot of things in the beginning for my first steps and first understandings of the game.

The problem is that the other candidate 'nikito' uses long-term strategy at the moment and maybe we have now good players because his job during his past 2 seasons work :) I suppose we want to see what he will do with the players that he made with his training plans.

We will see what will happen but maybe you will have more chances next elections in my opinion :)

This Post:
322919.7 in reply to 322919.6
Date: 3/11/2024 11:45:57 AM
Kirkwood Hawks
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Ozark Outlaws
That makes a lot of sense. if he wins I hope he gets to carry out his long term plans. I wasn’t trying to cause any trouble. I saw a low approval rating and thought I could help. Best of luck to Bulgaria in the future regardless of who wins.