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What should I use?

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From: Khazaad

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34722.2 in reply to 34722.1
Date: 6/6/2008 6:07:06 AM
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For example 1-3-1 and Motion.

Last edited by Khazaad at 6/6/2008 6:07:23 AM

From: CrazyEye

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34722.3 in reply to 34722.1
Date: 6/6/2008 8:58:27 AM
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i would use a outside focus offense strategie like motion or run and gun, to punish his weak outside defence.

Priceton plays with a lot 3 Pointers and basket in the near of the basket, so i would use strategies i normally use against normal focus in this sitution(1-3-1 is for me against a normal focus a way to extrem) ...

From: CrazyEye

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34722.5 in reply to 34722.4
Date: 6/7/2008 3:02:34 AM
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thats why i don't like it in this situation + with 1-3-1 you normaly gets some problems to get the defensive boards so it an tactic for situation where you are a bit superior in rebounding.

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34722.6 in reply to 34722.5
Date: 6/7/2008 9:37:51 AM
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indeed, I wouldn't sacrifice any rebounding because your opponent already plays 2-3 zone which gives him slightly higher rebounding. I'd play basic defence man-to-man.
In offence, if you have potential to play from behind the 3-point line, I'd play motion or run and gun, but if not, I'm play basic offense too.

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34722.7 in reply to 34722.6
Date: 6/7/2008 9:50:42 AM
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ehhm the 32-3 Zone don't helps him to get offense board, even if there orebounding rating looks nice.

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34722.8 in reply to 34722.7
Date: 6/10/2008 3:50:25 AM
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I think a 32-3 zone probably would help on the offensive boards - you'd be able to leave a dozen or more of those guards in the offensive court!

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34722.9 in reply to 34722.8
Date: 6/10/2008 3:52:45 AM
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yeah the fast break game increased dramatically :)

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34722.10 in reply to 34722.8
Date: 6/10/2008 6:20:21 AM
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Although I could see potential problems with the '3 sec in the paint' rule ;).

Also, paying 40 players would be quite expensive Id say.

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34722.11 in reply to 34722.10
Date: 6/10/2008 12:08:37 PM
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Although I could see potential problems with the '3 sec in the paint' rule ;).

Why, if an opponent player steps inside the paint the zone, falls down and trap the player inside it - after that the opponen got 3 s to finish its attack.

And the offensive end you could easily switch the player under the basket.

Also, paying 40 players would be quite expensive Id say.

this was top for teamtraining :)