I can agree on the age thing, especially as info for a second time scouting since he then is invited for a private practice and the first thing the scout will need to ask is the age. ;)
However I do not agree on the stars thing. 5 stars is good, even though there is much diffrence (and YES I had two 5 stars last draft and they where lousy players!!, so I know what I talk about). The thing we must keep in mind is that these stars are given by our scouts, who make an ESTIMATE of the youths they see.
Only after we drafted the player we will clearly see how good his skills are, and it seems the scouts might be (a little) off somethimes. But there is nothing wrong with that.
Compare it to the arena expansion, if the estimate is 10 days, it might as well be 12, well if the scout estimates 5 stars, it might as well be 4. ;)
If there was no randomsness and all info would be given out on a platter all the time, we'd all sit here and give in the info in excel or some other mathematical/statistical program and calculate which spot I'd end up in, with all various kinds of tactics and stuff, after a few hours of calculating it would give me the perfect way to play, and we would know the result before it was created by the game. not very funny, nor interesting.
Misty info is good! ;) We should not always know what to do, we should somethimes have to gamble a bit and prey we chose right. No?
They are not your friends; they dispise you. I am the only one you can count on. Trust me.