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From: CitB

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38569.2 in reply to 38569.1
Date: 7/10/2008 6:16:46 AM
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if you train jumpshot guards, all players which played on a guardposition that week getting training, dont forget to give them 48 mins if possible to reach 100% training.
if he pops depends of your trainer and his subskill and all the other things which influence the training like height age potential and so on, if he doesnt pop he still got better in his subskill which increased, so he might pop the week after if you continue with the same training.
i dont know how much difference there is between training sg/pg and sf/sg probably not that much, but you could get faster training if you only train one position.

the position which is written on the player details, has no influence to anything, its just a little help to see on which position he is best at the moment.

From: jimrtex

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38569.3 in reply to 38569.1
Date: 7/10/2008 2:27:19 PM
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You don't really have a SF per se. You have a player that BB has suggested that SF is his best position. This position is actually calculated each week and can changed, based on his current mix of skills.

If he plays as a SG in a game, he is a SG for the minutes he plays at the position (a player can play multiple positions within a single game).

How your player developed would depend on his size and his age. If he is a 7'2 he won't get as much out of the JS shooting as if he were 6'2.

If I were focusing my training on guards, but had a younger SF who I want to improve his shooting, I would train JS PG/SG and use the SF as the SG in the training game. Or if I had some forwards that I wanted to improve their shooting I would train JS SG/SF and perhaps use a PF as the SF in a the training game (or perhaps a PG).

From: Hannan

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38569.4 in reply to 38569.3
Date: 7/10/2008 7:29:41 PM
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i have a question about this. say im training jump shot SG/PG and my SG plays 24 minutes at SG and 24 mins at SF will he still get full training for that week?

Last edited by Hannan at 7/10/2008 7:29:53 PM

From: CrazyEye

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38569.5 in reply to 38569.4
Date: 7/10/2008 7:32:11 PM
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no, just 24

If play 24 as SG and 24 a sPG he would get full training.

From: jimrtex

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38569.6 in reply to 38569.4
Date: 7/12/2008 9:01:03 PM
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i have a question about this. say im training jump shot SG/PG and my SG plays 24 minutes at SG and 24 mins at SF will he still get full training for that week?

He will 24 minutes worth of training based on his minutes at SG. This is likely to be somewhat less than 50% since a player doesn't get the same amount of training for each minute.

His game shape update will be based on 48 minutes, so he will likely maintain or improve his GS.

This Post:
38569.7 in reply to 38569.3
Date: 7/16/2008 5:56:03 AM
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How your player developed would depend on his size and his age. If he is a 7'2 he won't get as much out of the JS shooting as if he were 6'2.

So how do you know if your training the right player depending on the height? For example a 6'6" SG does it mean a 6'2" SG will have better training at Jumpshot assuming they both played the same amount of time? And how much is the difference?