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HCA in national tournament

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From: Thijs

This Post:
87259.2 in reply to 87259.1
Date: 4/25/2009 4:17:26 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
You can be sure your Quarterfinal will be played on neutral court. Take the Dutch tournament for example: We only have 4 divisions, so our QF's were played 2 weeks ago, and the games were played on neutral sites ((12710585), (12710586), (12710587) & (12710588)).

I can see where the confusion is coming from, though... It's only presentational, but it would be clearer if the same "B3" line was added to the national tournament as well. That might be easier said then done: some countries only need the same line as the B3, while others need a line telling them the final three or four rounds will be played on neutral sites... I am going to copy your post to the suggestions forum. Thanks!

From: Stratos

This Post:
87259.3 in reply to 87259.2
Date: 4/25/2009 4:34:19 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Thank you very much!

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