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Passing and Turnovers

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From: dennis54

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99666.2 in reply to 99666.1
Date: 07/01/2009 12:46:15
Balls of Steel
Overall Posts Rated:
all are good questions, and worth some input

Does a players passing numbers decline if he is a "better" player than his teammates. i.e. does he "calculate" that he has a better scoring chance than if he would pass?

I would think if you played Patient, then certainly looking for better chance would/should have affect.
There are so many variables, including the defense one is playing against

From: CrazyEye

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99666.3 in reply to 99666.1
Date: 07/01/2009 13:15:57
Overall Posts Rated:
I ask me the same in the past, i got 2 pretty similiar guards in my team one of them always got great numbers in AS/TO even in his rookie season against stronger opponent and sstill performing with few TO(11+ Assists/To) the other one makes just an above average figure in it(~5,5 As/TO) .

Maybe there is also an secret attribut, which shows how risky a player is^^

/BBWeb/halloffame.aspx?TeamID=26206 Qualitnger and schwartz are the guards i am talking about.

Does passing/turnovers depend on position? i.e. does a guard with the same pass/handle skills turn the ball over more/less than a big man?

i would say more, because their opponent are better in stealing. Centers start messing up when you make a full cout press against then, one very fine example is this guy here:

Benedikt Sticker(3165543) - in season 7 most of his opponent play fcp against him ;) And i believe he has low atrocious passing and handling.